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Category: Is It Safe?

Asked by ashlee91

Q: is it ok to drink Crystal Light?

I need to drink water! However, plain water makes me gag :( I am going to get some Mio, but not until tomorrow... all we have is Crystal Light... if I drink it, will my baby be ok?! I am 12 weeks 3 days!

This question was asked Nov. 16, 2012 11:51pm
Category: Is It Safe?

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Answered by brittneyp400 - Nov. 29, 2012 10:52pm
I believe its safe to drink (according to different websites you just cant eat anything during pregnancy because of the what if's), however I cant drink it due to allergies to artificial sweeteners.

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Answered by a member - Nov. 18, 2012 4:15pm
I have the same problem with water making me feel nauseous and I had a really hard time with my first pregnancy staying hydrated since I didn't want to drink to many sugary drinks (powerade, etc) or fake-sweetened drinks (crystal lite, etc).

This time I have found that sparkling water with lemon is completely fine for my stomach! Although it's more expensive than regular water, it is worth it to keep my hydrated and not nauseous. The off brands taste the same once lemon is added and are a lot cheaper than perrier or san pellegrino.

Just though it might be worth mentioning. I'm sure drinking crystal lite in moderation would be fine. My doctor ok-ed me to have diet drinks now and then.

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Answered by K.Gregory - Nov. 18, 2012 7:41am
Actually, contrary to popular belief Aspartame is 100% safe for you and your baby (of course, in moderation, just like everything else). There is no actual definitive scientific evidence stating that Aspartame can cause the problems it has been accused of causing and most medical professionals will not support such claims. The Canadian Diabetes Association provided my dietician and endocrinologist that are following me through my pregnancy with an information pamphlet about artificial sweeteners and whether they're safe or not in pregnancy. As a type one diabetic, I'm very thorough with my research.

Aspartame is 100% safe as long as you do not exceed the recommended amount for your weight. For a 110 lb (50 kg) pregnant woman, 2000mg is safe. There is roughly 200 mg of Aspartame in a can of diet pop. Aspartame, Acesulfame Potassium (750mg daily) and Sucralose/Splenda (450mg daily) are 100% safe. Avoid Cyclamate (Sweet 'N Low/Sugar Twin), Saccharin ("Hermesetas") and Stevia.

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Answered by lucyblue - Nov. 17, 2012 4:49pm
Aspartame is very bad for you and therefore bad for your baby.

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Answered by -Lee-B - Nov. 17, 2012 3:33pm
As a diabetic I drink/eat a fair bit of food with aspertame and other fake sweeteners. We have to pick our battles in life. Everything causes cancer and the lack of everything causes cancer. In pregnancy nearly everything causes misscarrages and lack of everything causes misscarriages.

Best you can do is weigh the procs and cons and make the best choice for you. If drinking it will make you drink more in a day baby will be better off with it!

You can try to dilute it...this to me doesn't affect the taste of it and means a little less "stuff" going in each day.

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Answered by momtobe1992 - Nov. 17, 2012 6:15am
I don't like drinking plain water either, I just put ice in water and a slice of lemon. It tastes ALMOST like lemonade :)

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Answered by a member - Nov. 17, 2012 2:06am
I was told not to use anything with aspertame in it, it has been proven to cause miscarriage...same thing with diet pop the Dr told me to avoid it as well for the same reason

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Answered by LalaRiley - Nov. 17, 2012 1:26am
I gag if I drink regular, room temp water. Try adding ice, I find that it numbs my throat a little and makes it so I can drink it. Another good idea, is get a water purifier. It really does make an impact on the taste of the water. I now drink TONS of water everyday, so much so that my coworkers make fun of me. Hopefully this advice helps you.

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Answered by Brittany0915 - Nov. 17, 2012 1:02am
i agree, i stay away from aspartame while pregnant. try adding some fresh lemon slices to your water, it might help change the flavor enough to drink it.

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Answered by a member - Nov. 17, 2012 12:53am
I wouldn't drink it in pregnancy because of the aspartame in it, but that is just me.

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