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Category: Symptoms & Discomforts

Asked by ArtyMeDonnaB

Q: 5wks and 5 days.... Symptons disappeared. :-(

For the last 2/3 weeks I've had sore nips, dizziness, a heavy feeling 'full' womb and suffering mood swings.
Yesterday it just disappeared.
Now I have nothing.
I'm panicking.
Although my last two full term pregnancies 10 years ago had no symptons at all this one is freaking me out as I miscarried at this point 2 cycles ago,
Is it normal for symptons to just switch off?
I'm so scared this one will go and there's nothing I can do.

This question was asked Mar. 3, 2015 11:26am
Category: Symptoms & Discomforts

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Answered by ArtyMeDonnaB - Mar. 3, 2015 8:59pm
It's ok... I'm O- so get the comments. X

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Answered by hereistohoping - Mar. 3, 2015 1:28pm
When I was 6-7 weeks my symptoms completly went away. I freaked out because we had so many chemical pregnancies last year. Then about 5 days later they came back full swing and we are now about 14 weeks. As your levels rise, the symptoms steady out and then when they rise again the symptoms come back. Take a hpt for comfort and if it's not a strong positive then call your doctor. Good luck!

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Answered by stickybean1976 - Mar. 3, 2015 8:03pm
I think that is discussing your doctor won't run HCG bloods because they should also be checking your progesterone levels as well after losses. I had bloods drawn 3-4 x a week for peace of mind to check to see if I needed progesterone supplements to help save another loss or if I needed baby aspirin to thin the blood.
I too agree your symptoms can come and go and a lot of woman don't get full on symptoms until after 6-7 weeks when those HCG levels start to really rise.
I'm not sure what country you are in, we are lucky here in Australia all our medical Is free. I would find another doctor that will check your bloods. Progesterone levels are very important and can be the cause of recurrent m/c's.
Also yes I'm 33 weeks and had the anti d at 26weeks and have to have it again at 36w and did with my first child also. Best of luck x

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Answered by ArtyMeDonnaB - Mar. 3, 2015 2:29pm
I am O- and had anti d shots with last two pregnancies 10 years ago.... That did cross my mind but I read it wouldn't affect the baby unles it's blood cross contaminated with mine... My gp is aware I'm a negative but hasn't mentioned anything so I'm assuming I have to wait to around 20 weeks for injections like last time.
I will do a Hpt in the morning and hopefully two bold lines will pop up and I'll stop worrying- for this week anyways lol!
There's never been any bleeding at all so I'm trying to focus on that!

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Answered by ArtyMeDonnaB - Mar. 3, 2015 1:33pm
I've asked for hcg level checking but my gp said no.
He said even if he checks the levels is won't stop the baby from going so its pointless. He says as nasty as it sounds the NHS doesn't have the funds to be putting every panicky women's mind at ease.
I will do another hot test tom morn as I have many lol...
The signs are positive... The tests were getting stronger each time I did them... But I stopped a few days ago.
It makes sense that hormones would fluctuate.
I have come out in loadsa spots today... Look like I have the plague lol! Guess I could link that to hormones!?
And I'm very over emotional..... But that's me all I over too lol... Thankyou for your advice ladies x x. Much appreciated!

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Answered by tmhess - Mar. 3, 2015 1:52pm
The same thing happened to me right around 6 weeks. My only real symptom was my boobs getting fuller and hurting along with prominent blue veins all over them. Right around 6 weeks I woke up and felt completely normal, my boobs went down in size and they didn't hurt at all. It really freaked me out, so I know what you are going through.

At 7 weeks I had one episode of red spotting and I still hadn't had any strong pregnancy symptoms. I called my doctor and they wanted to do an exam because I am Rh- and the spotting was red (incase I needed a rhogam shot). They couldn't find any evidence of bleeding but they also did a scan. We got to see out baby's heartbeat and everything looked normal and great! It helped me a lot to know that even though I didn't feel horrible, obviously the baby was fine in there. :)

I think each one of us will react to hormones differently, but it doesn't mean the baby isn't ok in there! I know it is easier said than done to try not be anxious about it. :)

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Answered by MissNat28 - Mar. 3, 2015 2:54pm
Hi hun, I asked this question last week and a lot of ladies said that it was normal.. its so hard when we don't know what's going on inside our bodies. My pregnancy symptoms come and go all the time. Good luck hun x

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Answered by Quartz3 - Mar. 3, 2015 1:10pm
Symptoms will fluctuate just like your hormones will. Don't worry about it, it doesn't mean anything. It's hard to be pregnant after a loss, but hang in there. Good luck!

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Answered by stickybean1976 - Mar. 3, 2015 8:53pm
Omg I have baby brain ignore my comments about the anti D that was meant for another question lol

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Answered by RedBetty - Mar. 3, 2015 12:29pm
I really do hope you are okay and the baby is still in there. I feel you should use a hpt to see if you are still getting strong positives but the best thing is to go to the hospital to have your hcg levels checked about twice so you can know if they are doubling. Stay strong and keep the faith up. xx

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