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Category: Newly Pregnant

Asked by mrsfitzy

Q: Crazy cravings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi with my other pregnancies i craved and actually ate bath sponges yes by the plenty,i would go shopping with them in my pocket,and would have to buy them everytime i went shoppin.I was told it was because i had low iron that i ate these lol,anybody else ate or craved anything unusual :)

This question was asked May. 16, 2012 2:15pm
Category: Newly Pregnant

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Answered by Brittany0915 - May. 16, 2012 3:14pm
my mother ate ALOT of chalk during one of her pregnancies, and was also told it was a mineral deficiency. be careful what you eat ladies! regardless of how bad you want it.

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Answered by knicole27 - May. 16, 2012 3:13pm
My cravings have been pretty normal so far (all food items sometimes weird yes but still edible) but I just wanted to let you know about a condition called PICA. When a pregnant women craves non food items like dirt, chalk etc. that have no nutritional value. There has been a connection between some women with PICA and an Iron deficiency and other mineral deficiencies like you were told.. I would maybe perhaps just get your iron levels an other mineral levels checked out just in case. However you mentioned that was your last pregnancies.. but if it happens again i would request some blood work. :) some info: http://www.americanpregnancy.org/pregnancyhealth/unusualcravingspica.html

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Answered by mrsfitzy - May. 16, 2012 3:12pm
Haha i usually love popcorn brought a huge bag yesterday,but did'nt taste the same :(

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Answered by klara2222 - May. 16, 2012 2:48pm
Nutritional yeast - the flaky, cheesy powdererd stuff that vegans add to replace cheese. I cannot. get. enough. nutritional yeast! I eat it by the spoonful out of the bag from the bulk/natural food store. DH has actually caught me sticking it to my fingers and licking it off as if I was 2! not my proudest moment :/
I also want to eat a LOT of popcorn, but that seems pretty normal ;)

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