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Category: Symptoms & Discomforts

Asked by Sianny

Q: Gagging

Please can someone tell me how long the overactive gag function last for?
I can't brush my teeth, eat or take pills without gagging and fighting the need to actually throw up.
I'm 9wks +4 at the moment and the actual morning sickness has subsided a lot but this is such a pain in the butt.
I'm starving but it's so difficult to eat.

This question was asked Jun. 4, 2014 6:20am
Category: Symptoms & Discomforts

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Answered by Mmkohl - Jun. 4, 2014 1:46pm
With my last pregnancy I would sneeze and it would trigger my gag reflex and I'd have to run to the bathroom as fast as I could. Really hoping it's not that bad this time.

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