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Category: Prenatal Testing

Asked by Kitten90

Q: Is it routine to have a "growth ultrasound" ?

I'm sure this varies depending on where you live, but I'm just wondering because I haven't had an ultrasound since 18 weeks when they did the anatomy scan, and they told me they don't plan on doing another one unless something is wrong. They already know baby has been head down since 28 weeks and she dropped around 31 just from feeling my belly. There was a couple times that my FH measurement was ahead by 3 or 4cm and they said it's just from baby's position, which I believe is true because now at 36 weeks I'm right on track =)

This question was asked Oct. 30, 2014 1:27pm
Category: Prenatal Testing

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Answered by Quartz3 - Oct. 30, 2014 4:29pm
I'm in Eastern Canada and it's supposedly not routine here. When I was pregnant with my first, my doctor told me she's only supposed to request a growth scan if there seemed to be a problem. I had one because my baby seemed behind at the anomaly scan at 18 weeks. However, I hear most doctors will request a growth scan for all their patients anyway.

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Answered by aprilluvsmoz - Oct. 30, 2014 3:39pm
I completely understand. I would ask for one, my boyfriends nephew was large and he actually had shoulder dystocia and I want to prevent any of those type of complications from arising. I cant imagine them only going by her 18 week ultrasound.

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Answered by Kitten90 - Oct. 30, 2014 3:27pm
In my hometown it was a normal thing too. Now that I've moved away though it seems like nobody does it down here. As long as baby is head down they don't seem to care about size. I'd kind of like to know though so I know she's not gonna get stuck. For all I know she could have an arm up by her head

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Answered by aprilluvsmoz - Oct. 30, 2014 3:01pm
It is normal. I am having one on the 11th because like you my fundal heights been measuring ahead 4 weeks and the baby on ultrasound has been measuring 2 weeks ahead on my 20 week anatomy ultrasound and my 28 week ultrasound for my placenta previa check. They want to ensure that he isnt over a certain amount of weight because it could make for a harder delivery for me.

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Answered by Kitten90 - Oct. 30, 2014 2:08pm
That thought hadn't even crossed my mind lol! Don't think it's an insurance thing though. I'm on a federal insurance plan (medicare) and know plenty of people who were on it and had a scan done around this time to check the baby's size. I'm thinking it depends on the doctor's practice.... I'm a patient at a practice that is within my hospital. There's like 4 doctors and 3 or 4 midwives and they rotate the patients so I see all of them throughout my pregnancy. Early on I had problems (SCH that was right next to the placenta) so they monitored me very closely and I'd had 4 scans by 9 weeks along lol! Had another done at 13 weeks and my final one done at 18 weeks.

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Answered by Fitbyjordan - Oct. 30, 2014 1:59pm
With my son, my insurance only allowed 4 ultrasounds unless there was a problem. You might want to call your insurance and see how many they allow.

My doctor this time around has an US machine in the patients rooms so she said we can have as many as we want since I am pregnant after a miscarriage and scared to death! Having one tomorrow and will have another at my 10 week visit.

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