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Category: Newly Pregnant

Asked by a member

Q: Please help :'(

My partner has been very edgy lately and not his usual self. tonight he lost it over something so small and started calling me a whore and when I told him to leave me alone he smashed my dinner out of my hand and lasange went all over the floor. After he done thign out of natural reaction i threw my fork at him! (idiot!!) then he slapped me across the face really hard.

His never even raised his voice at me let alone touched me. I dont know what to do.

This question was asked May. 23, 2012 8:49am
Category: Newly Pregnant

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Answered by BabyDaisy - May. 23, 2012 12:40pm
Often, verbal and physical abuse starts in pregnancy in relationships that have never been abusive before. The strain that pregnancy puts on a relationship plus your vulnerable condition makes you an easy target. As the others have said, it's important to spot the signs early and make sure you can get out quickly if you need to. There are lots of charities that offer confidential advice for victims of domestic abuse, which will be very used to speaking to and helping pregnant women. Maybe wait until a time when your partner is out and call one of them to get some professional advice. Also, talk to a member of your family or a close friend about it; it's really important not to shut other people out because you feel embarrassed.

I really hope you get the support you need, wishing you all the best.

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Answered by a member - May. 23, 2012 10:58am
:(. the verbal abuse is bad enough BUT, he should NEVER have hit you - ESP while pregnant. once they start, it's easier for them to do it again and much worse. sadly, i speak from the experience of a past relationsip. it never got better; i'm sorry to say.

if you plan on waiting it out, or talking to him .... hide an extra set of car keys outside where you can easily get them in a hurry if needed. if it happens again, leave and never look back.

wishing you the best.

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Answered by kaylia2oo5 - May. 23, 2012 10:21am
You've got to think about the health of you and your baby- I'd try talking to him about it, and if it happens again, think about leaving. No one deserves treatment like that!! *hugs*

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Answered by ilovebabybumps - May. 23, 2012 9:44am
oh dear hunny hope your ok x have you tried to talk to him since? is he the type of man you can openly talk to?

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