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Category: Is It Safe?

Asked by a guest

Q: 5 weeks pregnant & Brown Sticky Discharge...

Hello all,

I too had the same problem. I'm 5 weeks pregnant & today morning I noticed some brown sticky discharge only when I wipe off. Also it was not bright red neither I experienced any cramping. I went to the doctor and they said it will be too early to do u/s so they check me internally & they said ur cervix is very far and that brown thing is not coming from cervix or uterus. But still they asked me to do the blood work. I did it today & again will do it on Monday. I hope everything is really Ok...right now I'm scared to death....

Can u tell me how much HCG should I expect from my blood test done today ? and how much it should rise upto?

Thank u in anticipation.

This question was asked Mar. 9, 2012 5:58pm
Category: Is It Safe?

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Answered by Kira1101 - Sep. 25, 2013 11:24am
I haven't even been in for my first ultrasound yet but they are doing an emergency u/s on me because they fear that I am having an ectopic pregnancy due to pain in my lower abdomen where my ovaries are. However, I do know that sometimes the brown sticky discharge that is coming out can be normal, it also cannot be, just depends on the cause for it. It could be that your body is simply discharging (VERY common in pregnancies) and the browish, or orange sometimes or any other color (if in large amounts, immediately talk to dr), could just be from the uterus expanding for the baby. The reason it comes out brown rather than red is because it takes so long to reach the vagina. I realize the post is old but this could help future mothers (like me) who are looking for answers.

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Answered by Amarylis - Mar. 19, 2012 11:38pm
I had brown discharge stuff too for my whole first trimester. They never found the cause for it and of course it freaked me out every time. I had it more after a long walk or long periods of standing. The most my doctors told me was to go on 24 hours bed rest when ever I had it.
I never cramped or anything with it and it was only when I wiped. I am now 36 weeks pregnant and baby is healthy. Hope all goes well for you.

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Answered by CRW122411 - Mar. 18, 2012 10:45am
Everyones body is different so HCG levels are not the same in all women. Thats why they have such a HUGE range for the values. I had bleeding around that time too and they told me the same thing, but I had implantation bleeding. I am 16 weeks now and the baby as far as I know is doing great!! I was worried when this happened since I miscarried but what I did this time was when this happened, go lay down and put your feet up for a while and relax dont do anything. That could be your bodys way of telling you that you are doing to much.

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