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Category: Prenatal Testing

Asked by MBrannen

Q: Just curious what everyones heart rate is now that they're pregnant?

So I've been checking my blood pressure and Heart Rate with a little wrist monitor at my moms quite regularly. My blood pressure is always really good, but I tend to run on the low side. now that I'm pregnant I've noticed that my heart rate tends to stay around 82 bpm, and has spiked up into the 90's with the highest being a hundred. I got a little worried today though because it was suddenly down at 72 bpm, which is the lowest it's been and I figured that it should be higher at 16 weeks considering the amount of blood being pumped. I was just curious if anyone else has checked their heart rate and if so, what has it been? thanks

This question was asked Mar. 26, 2012 2:58am
Category: Prenatal Testing

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Answered by MissAbbie777 - Mar. 27, 2012 2:13am
My resting heart rate at 19 weeks was 77 bpm. My pre-pregnancy resting rate was about 72. I had high blood pressure before pregnancy and take blood pressure pills to control it and last week after 10 years of blood pressure around normal 120/80 with same dosage meds for 10 years, my doctor tokd me to take half my dosage because my bp was like 92/50. I didnt feel dizzy which surprised him. I am closely monitored with my bp so it could change as i get further along.

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Answered by knicole27 - Mar. 26, 2012 3:56am
I have been checking and its usually ranges anywhere from 75 bpm to 100 bpm.(higher when stressed or dehydrated) My most common bpm even before pregnancy was about 90ish. So When I did check it and it was 75 that was pretty low for me but I'd say still normal. I am 15 weeks 2 days and had that lower bpm at around 10 and 11 weeks but all is fine and normal.

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