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Category: Is It Safe?

Asked by KDutton

Q: Crossing everything possible!

Hi guys, sorry if tmi... DH and I just bd after a slight bit of spotting that ended up with me having an internal and a scan and panicking that I have hurt the baby due to excited poking!!
Like I said sorry of tmi, the dr said there was no reason to stop having sex, but still worried!! Was told that I was an increased risk of miscarriage because of spotting. Anyone else worried about pokin around in that area! Lol

This question was asked Apr. 11, 2012 8:14pm
Category: Is It Safe?

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Answered by yellowbunny91 - Apr. 12, 2012 1:31am
I too asked this question when i first fell pregnant! My hub and I BD like caaarazy!!!! Everything is fine with us and im now 11 and a half weeks! As someone said to my question, the baby it tucked away in a safe place with lots of cusioning!! Your man wont be able to get to it! Your peanut is a-okay in there even during sex! :) but do what puts your mind at ease! xxx

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Answered by Marisa0125 - Apr. 12, 2012 12:54am
I had bleeding after sex TWICE! My doctor said it was because there is so much bood flow and your cervix is soft so you might have bleeding. I waited 2 weeks until we had sex again and everything was fine I'm 16 weeks now and so far so good.

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Answered by Mary_asthred - Apr. 11, 2012 10:35pm
Im 8 m0nths pregnant @ i said 2 my husband n0 m0re sex...Its a l0ng way j0urney ,take care of urself and ur baby...Get well sooN ^_^

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Answered by JessicaWall11 - Apr. 11, 2012 9:15pm
With my daughter it was my first pregnancy. I was scared of everything. I even told my DH no more sex until I was in my second trimester so we would be out of the danger zone. Well needless to say I didnt tell him until 17 wks lol. But if your worried thats what I would suggest, wait until second trimester. You chances of miscarriage decrease. Hope that helps

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