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Category: Baby Gear

Asked by a member

Q: Used crib mattress?

A friend has offered to give me her crib mattress for free. I have heard mixed opinions about used mattresses and am not sure if I should use it or not. It is about 5 years old but has been kept covered. It would save us a lot of money but I don't want to use it if it is dangerous. Any advice would be helpful!

This question was asked Apr. 21, 2012 2:39pm
Category: Baby Gear

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Answered by looney - Apr. 22, 2012 7:54pm
As long as a mattress is still firm, there is nothing wrong with a used mattress as long as it is in nice condition. Carseats are completely different.

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Answered by danni179 - Apr. 22, 2012 9:43am
I'm the same a s comment below, matresses and car seats are the things i would definitely buy new.

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Answered by mjjmbnmm - Apr. 21, 2012 8:50pm
I wouldn't. Car seats and mattress's r the two things that have to be new to me.

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Answered by Stellar222 - Apr. 21, 2012 4:23pm
Oh, excuse me...just trying to help in case the person was asking for an answer right away and you didn't want to be a b!tch about it. No, I wouldn't use it as used mattresses have been linked to a higher instance I'd SIDS.

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Answered by a member - Apr. 21, 2012 3:29pm
Well obviously I would do that. The question is if I should use it not take it.

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Answered by Stellar222 - Apr. 21, 2012 3:27pm
I take everything ppl offer and make the decision whether or not to use it at home. That way I don't hurt their feelings and I can analyze the item in privacy and not to their face. Just a thought.

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Answered by JessicaWall11 - Apr. 21, 2012 2:41pm
My opinion is if its in pristine condition I would use it. But I would ask your caregiver any way to be on safe side.

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