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Category: Is It Safe?

Asked by Finallyamommy

Q: Can I drink meal replacement shakes?

I waited too long to ask my doc, so now I will have to wait until tomorrow. BUT... I am 6w3d and am having horrible "morning" sickness. everything I eat, well, you know the details, I'm sure. I have these meal replacement packs (add to water or milk) that I was wanting to try. At least I can get in some nutrition before i'm sick again. I'm just starving, but I'm having no luck with anything!!

This question was asked Apr. 22, 2012 8:01pm
Category: Is It Safe?

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Answered by stephpsu10 - Apr. 22, 2012 11:31pm
Also, I would suggest milk to mix with them since it has nutrients your babies need that water does not. Also, have you tried very bland foods like oatmeal, maybe just some plain warm broth even? I've learned to not be overzealous with trying to get big meals and lots of variety and the "eating for two" part in right away. Even if you eat one or two things that you can keep down, it's better than none. I think one week all I ate was cheese and crackers for every meal except breakfast LOL! But it stayed down! Good luck hun! xo

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Answered by stephpsu10 - Apr. 22, 2012 11:14pm
I use ensure plus as an additional source of nutrition. This may help you get thru some of the sickness (and that starving feeling), but obviously get down some food if you can. I'm preggers w/twins, and I am drinking 3 of these a day (which adds up to an additional 1050 calories into my diet) in addition to all of my meals. At 14w 1d, I'm still having sickness, so I totally understand.

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Answered by Stellar222 - Apr. 22, 2012 11:07pm
Hi - sorry you're sick. It seems they're safe - just shouldn't be primary nutrition...so I think you're right - at least you're getting some nutrition.


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Answered by emilykate93 - Apr. 22, 2012 9:15pm
I don't see how they would hurt, You would be at least getting something in you, I would drink the meal replacements shakes but also still try to eat a little something.

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