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Category: Baby Gear

Asked by toshska

Q: Moving when the baby is roughly 8 weeks.. So what to buy?

So after the baby has had its checks etc, me and the other half are moving away for a year.

So i cant really buy loads of stuff and furniture but can bring a reasonable amount as we are bringing a van..
What things do i need? Essentials? And non essentials! x

This question was asked Apr. 24, 2012 8:02pm
Category: Baby Gear

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Answered by a member - Apr. 26, 2012 4:46pm
Assuming you are going to be able to buy things after the move.. honestly, you could get by with just a pack and play and a car seat. Get one of the pack and plays with a bassinet and changer attached and you are good to go. Most babies will sit/sleep just fine in their car seat so they do not need a separate seat for the house if you get the kind with the detachable car base (which most are anymore). If you are getting a tub yes definitely get a fold-up kind, but you can also just wash them in the sink (once they are past the sponge bath stage). For clothing, the first 8 weeks they can live in gowns and onesies, and a couple of those blanket sleepers are great too. I would personally include a small carrier of some sort or a sling, they will fold up small and not take up lots of room. I would get two plastic chest of drawers and fill one with clothes and one with other supplies. Put them in the back of the van, then it will all be easily accessible while traveling and getting set up.

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Answered by Coomy08 - Apr. 25, 2012 10:12pm
I agree with Layne-Shane. A bouncy seat and pack n play are great to have that 1st year. The snot sucker is a good thing to have around as well.
Blanket wise- I had a sleeper blanket for my son and it did wonders and saved me from having 20 different blankets laying around. I had a long sleeved one and a short sleeved one. Below is a link so you can see what I mean.
A couple of regular baby blankets to lay down on the floor for belly time should be enough.During the first year just a few toys should be enough-something to chew on, a couple books,a stuffed animal to cuddle with during play time basic things like that.

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Answered by becca.kay2 - Apr. 25, 2012 6:47pm
Long-Sleeve White Onesies (WINTER)
Poohbear Clothing, girls and boys wear poohbear

Baby bibs - plain white, ones that have words on them but don't get the ones that has "daddys princess" "mommys little girl" stuff like that, because you don't know the sex of your baby.

Baby bottles, pacies fires, LOTS AND LOTS diapers, crib, crib mattress, formula, baby wipes (2-3 packages),

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Answered by Layne-Shane - Apr. 25, 2012 12:27am
bouncey seat, and a pack and play, a fold up tub and a few baby towels and wash clothes,less bottles and such the more sanity ull have,i rmbr thinking more would be better but just allows u to keep building up more dirty dishes...lol...stuff like soap diapers ,cream, lotion,etc seems as though it would be better to stop at store and buy :) my son slept ate and played in his bouncey seat for first few months(when i could let myself put him down lol) and I used a pack and play the first year as a crib since its so versatile :) (and a mini travel first aid medicine kit with nasal aspirator and thermometer shud be good)

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