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Category: Baby Gear

Asked by a member

Q: How early is too early to start the nursery?

How early is too early to start your nursery? I'll be 12w on Tuesday, which is also my 2nd prenatal appointment. I started spotting at 6w, and they did an ultrasound and said everything was perfect. The baby measured where he/she was supposed to, they found the heartbeat, and at my first prenatal appointment on 04.02.12 they said everything looked great. I just had a round of first trimester blood work done, and will be getting the results back at Prenatal on Tuesday. If the Doc says everything is still great at my appointment, do you think it's safe to start the nursery??

This question was asked Apr. 28, 2012 1:27pm
Category: Baby Gear

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Answered by TigerLilly0930 - Apr. 29, 2012 1:20pm
We stated buying things for the baby at about 9 weeks, and I ordered the furniture at about 12 weeks. I am now almost 16 weeks, and plan on waiting until I'm about 6 months before we start putting everything together...Just wanted to make sure that I had the main things I needed and wanted. It's really up to you! I always feel like it's better to enjoy and take your time than rush around. Good luck with whatever you decide!

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Answered by jenniferose88 - Apr. 28, 2012 3:53pm
My husband and I actually bought the furniture when I was 7 weeks pregnant, and then I miscarried that pregnancy, but it was ok, because we knew we were going to use the furniture no matter what. I got pregnant again after 1 cycle, and I waited til I got to 10 weeks before we bought anything else. I'm 19 weeks now, and the nursery is almost complete. We know we're going to have more kids after this one, and we only have the one extra room so we decided a neutral theme, Winnie the Pooh, that way if we have a girl and then a boy we won't have to re-do the entire room. Good luck!

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Answered by JessicaWall11 - Apr. 28, 2012 2:45pm
I was 5 months when I started with my daughter. I wanted to know what I was having before I started anything major. This one we wont be able to do anything for a while, due to us staying with my mom. But like PP, some start early others wait. Its your choice

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Answered by Steph35 - Apr. 28, 2012 1:49pm
It's really up to you. I'm 24 weeks and my nursery is no where near complete yet (we have the crib and glider and paint samples...that's about it). But, around 16 weeks we started rearranging our home to clear out the room that will be the nursery, so at least that's done. Some ladies start very early. I didn't really buy anything until I knew the sex of the baby. It's really your choice. Good luck:-)

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