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Category: Prenatal Testing

Asked by chellenaaron

Q: Gender Ultra sound and bad positioning of baby.

Has anyone had a gender ultrasound &the baby was in a bad position, but got to do another ultrasound to try again for the gender?

This question was asked Aug. 22, 2011 11:19pm
Category: Prenatal Testing

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Answered by chellenaaron - Sep. 2, 2011 12:26am
I had another ultrasound today..Found out imma having a BOY!!:)

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Answered by rrhwood - Aug. 23, 2011 1:31pm
Yes I just went through it. I was 19 weeks and the tech thought it was a girl. We tried everything to get her to move to a good position but she was having none of it..lol But we got to try again at 32 weeks and found out she is in fact a girl. So good luck........ :)

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Answered by MontyMoe - Aug. 23, 2011 12:29am
Mine started that way, but I did some belly shakes, and turned back and forth (as recomended by the tech) and the baby started moving and kicking! Then we found out it was a Girl! Good luck

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