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Category: Is It Safe?

Asked by Marisa0125

Q: Movement at 19 weeks?

I am 19w 2d. I felt my baby moving and got a couple big kicks and a kick I could feel on the outside as well. The last few days I have had a hard time feeling my baby. I feel a few things but they aren't reassuring enough for me to say "Ok that was a good kick I can relax for a bit" I have tried the orange juice thing and laying on my side and only feel the littest movements if they are at all. I'm not sure if I'm actually feeling these things or if it's my mind playing tricks on me. I read in my what to expect book to feel baby not move for 1, 2, 3 or even 4 days can be totally normal. Any advice? Anyone in the same boat? When do you think I should call my doctor?

This question was asked May. 2, 2012 2:53pm
Category: Is It Safe?

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Answered by jenniferose88 - May. 2, 2012 11:38pm
I feel my daughter move mostly at night when I'm laying on my back or side. other than that I don't really feel her very much yet, I'm 19 w 4 d. My dr told me it's just because she still has quite a bit of room in there and she may be in a spot where I don't feel her, and to expect to feel all her movement about 23-25 weeks.

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Answered by Coomy08 - May. 2, 2012 3:31pm
I've had the same thing, one day this kid will be active and then for a day or two afterwords I can just feel it a little bit here and there then when I'm really worried and thinking about calling the doctor the kids back to being active again.

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Answered by knicole27 - May. 2, 2012 3:03pm
I freaked out about this with Liam too at about the same week also. There was a day or two where I didn't feel him at all. but then I was reminded that they still have quite a bit of room to move around in there so you may not be feeling him/her for example if he/she is facing your back you won't feel the movements as much. Also if you have an anterior placental placement you won't feel anything either. I think this is why most doctors don't have you start kick counting until 26-28 weeks. I went a few days worrying because even the usual drinking of cold water was not working but then a day or two later he started moving like crazy again... BUT.. its always better to be safe than sorry and if your concerned at all. There is never any harm in calling your doctor and expressing your concern. At the very least they will be able to ease your mind or have you come in for a doppler reading. :)

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