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Category: Is It Safe?

Asked by brandy211

Q: This must seem likely crazy question but is it Okay to have sex........

Iam 36 weeks and 4 days pregnant haven't had sex the whole pregnancy pretty much and id like to lol but i don't wanna go into labor do u think it might ?

This question was asked May. 5, 2012 1:20am
Category: Is It Safe?

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Answered by jkim80 - May. 5, 2012 10:42pm
Don't panic it you have some spotting, Braxton hicks or the baby getting active right after, its normal :)

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Answered by jkim80 - May. 5, 2012 10:40pm
Apparently I have one of the only DH that seems to want sex more when I am preggers lol, or maybe it just seems like it since I am soo tired still lol. Unless your doc has specifically said not to it is perfectly safe, the sperm actually helps prep your cervix for birthing and when you are near your due date often docs say to have sex to try to trigger labor, believe me though your body doesn't just go due to sex, we had sex very frequently hoping for labor and when my labor started it was totally on its own no sex involved :) you might want to google search sex in late pregnancy since it can be awkward and they have tips on positions etc. You will want to get what you can before you birth because you will not physically be up to it for a while after even if you mentally feel up to it. Best wishes and enjoy :D lol

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Answered by ginabee - May. 5, 2012 2:20pm
Did your doctor tell you specifically that you couldn't have sex? As long as there are no medical reasons preventing you from it, it's completely safe, baby is so well protected from stuff going on outside the uterus.

DH and I have kept having sex since we conceived with absolutely no complications. Go for it!

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Answered by a member - May. 5, 2012 4:39am
I'm 25 weeks and we've only had sex once since finding out. What's up with our DHs? Mine just seems paranoid about hurting the baby (the doctor assured him it was fine) I'm like....I'm not getting any smaller so this might get more awkward the longer you wait! LOL

Unless the doctor told you not to for any reason, I think you'll be okay. You're close to term, so even if you do go into labor you should be fine. You might want to do it before time runs out!! Have fun:-)

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Answered by brandy211 - May. 5, 2012 1:46am
Crazy auto correct might seem like ... Okay :)

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Answered by jenniferose88 - May. 5, 2012 1:24am
I'm 20 weeks and my husband and I haven't had sex either since the night I got pregnant, lol. but unless your doctor has told you specifically not to have sex, then you will be fine

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