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Category: Nutrition, Weight & Fitness

Asked by a member

Q: How much weight did you gain with your second pregnancy?

I have read in a few articles that you typically show faster and that its easier to gain weight with your second pregnancy. With my first son I didn't start showing until the end of my 5th month and didn't start wearing maternity clothes til the end of my 7th. Now i'm only 18 weeks and look huge! I have gained 9 lbs already. Is this normal?

This question was asked May. 7, 2012 11:59am
Category: Nutrition, Weight & Fitness

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Answered by angelanna - May. 7, 2012 3:53pm
my 2nd pregnancy i was 110 pounds, when i gave birth i was 125....and i barely showed until the last weeks. but now i am on my 5th and the biggest i ever been , i have gained over 65 pounds already ;/

i think depends on the baby and not how many you have cuz my 1st and this one i am showing faster than babies #2,3,and 4... also my 1s pregnancy and this one , i dont work or do much, with my others i worked full time and college was more active, i think that also may be why id dint show like with this one or my 1st....also all my kids were small biggest was 7.13 and this one now they think will be bigger, i am measuring 2 weeks ahead too.... weight gain differs though i know a girl who is also 37 weeks and she has gained only 6 pounds lucky female LOL...but it all comes off though....(: GOOD LUCK & HH9M. xx

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Answered by Coomy08 - May. 7, 2012 3:44pm
With my son I gained 32 lbs by 36 weeks. With this one I lost 4 lbs the first trimester putting me back at my pre-pregnancy weight, then at my last appointment(@17weeks) I had gained 3 lbs back. I'm 19.6 weeks now and go back next week for my 21 week appointment and I imagine I've gained a couple more lbs since my appetite has come back. But everyone is different on how they are going to gain weight, a friend of mine had her baby about 1.5 weeks ago and she had only gained 10 lbs the whole pregnancy!

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Answered by JessicaWall11 - May. 7, 2012 7:06pm
With my daughter I was showing at 3months and gained 42 lbs the whole pregnancy. This one I am 20 weeks and have only gained 11lbs.

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Answered by DestinyStarr - May. 7, 2012 7:24pm
I pray not... I gained 65 with my first. So far I've gained 9 and I'm almost 15 weeks. All of that I gained right up front between 6-11 weeks or so. I haven't gained anything since around 10-11 weeks thank goodness.

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