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Category: Is It Safe?

Asked by danni179

Q: Too much fish ???

I'm craving fish...like i want loads of it, but i know you are supposed to "limit" your intake during pregnancy...is this true in later pregnancy also, or just at the beginning. I am 30 weeks.

This question was asked May. 10, 2012 5:12pm
Category: Is It Safe?

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Answered by danni179 - May. 10, 2012 9:00pm
Thanks ladies... Fish and chips is what I'm craving sooo bad :/

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Answered by klara2222 - May. 10, 2012 8:08pm
My doc gave me this link to the American Pregnancy Association as I'm also a big fish eater.... your question has me drooling over fish n' chips with lemon as we speak ;) Check it out; it tells you which types of fish are ok to eat lots of, which ones to eat just once in a while, and which to avoid outright!
And congrats to you, btw!! :)

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Answered by Quartz3 - May. 10, 2012 6:33pm
As far as I know, what you really want to limit is your mercury intake, and not fish - I think they do advise having fish about three times a week during pregnancy. So if you choose fish that have low mercury levels, you should be fine... but I would think the mercury limitation would apply throughout the whole pregnancy.

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