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Category: Baby Gear

Asked by a member

Q: What kind of stroller to get?

What kind of stroller should we register for? Right now we have registered for a cheaper umbrella stroller (because I've been told this is for nice quick trips to the mall, etc). Also, we really want a jogging stroller because we like to run/jog and to get back in shape after baby comes! But, do we need to get a travel system as well - so that the car seat can fit right into the stroller? It just seems like 3 strollers is a bit much. Can we forego the travel system one or is that essential with a newborn? If we got that, how long would we really even use it for??? Baby is due in August, so we will have a few months when she's first born to take walks.

This question was asked May. 13, 2012 12:04am
Category: Baby Gear

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Answered by Lestorke - Aug. 16, 2012 4:13am
You might want to check out for Bob Revolution SE. It's a swivel front wheel jogging stroller that is flexible to use for jogging and city walking without necessarily change into different stroller. Here's the link in case you want to find out further details, and objective reviews: http://jogging-stroller-reviews.net/bob-revolution-se-stroller-reviews/. Fyi, a jogging stroller isn't recommended for a newborn. A baby should at least have a stable neck control/st unassisted before s/he can be put in a jogging stroller for a ride.

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Answered by Falliiing - May. 14, 2012 2:02am
I plan on getting a Stokke Explory Stroller (the 2008 model is on Ebay for $450.)
It is the BEST stroller on the market.
Your child sits HIGH up instead of low to the ground. Its very versatile and can be used as a high chair when you are out at restaurants.
Also you can buy a bassinet to go on it in place of the chair for when your little one is a newborn.

I honestly don't see the point in the travel ones where you have to use a carseat.
Im not planning on getting a removable carseat anyways...They are too much of a hassle and are too heavy to carry. I'd much rather carry my baby in a sling!!

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Answered by jkim80 - May. 13, 2012 1:37pm
We have a jogger and a travel system, the only reason we bought the jogger was it was easier for some of the rough terrain we went for walks on, including he beach, but it did hold the carseat too so it was great, one stroller for each car lol. You have to be careful with umbrella strollers when baby is little, if they are not properly supported you can really stress baby's muscles and hurt their little backs. The travel system will be fine and usually most convenient using the car seat for about the first year and then you will start using the stroller alone, so it usually the best buy, make sure it's light but sturdy and easy for you to fold and get into your car. We made sure the store had floor models and ran them trough there paces before picking. Good luck :)

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Answered by JustHeavenly12 - May. 13, 2012 3:26am
I'm pregnant with my 3rd & I always buy the travel system, its awesome when they are infants, just stick the carseat on and roll on, as they get bigger of course you can get rid of the car seat and just use the stroller. My daughter will be 3 in August and we still use hers. Yes it is a bit bulkier then the small simple stroller but it's great for everything you could want to do, shop, jog, stroll in the park and works great with the different stages as baby grows! Best of luck!

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