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Category: Nutrition, Weight & Fitness

Asked by amy_toner

Q: Am I paranoid about how much weight I have gained?

Well I am just over 25 weeks pregnant and have already gained about 33 lbs!

I did quit smoking and never had morning sickness or nausea but I wouldnt say I ate much more than before. I have started feeling a bit hungrier than usual now but nothing major.

I am 5ft5' and weighed 142 pre pregnancy.

Can this be hereditory? My mum gained 75lbs with her first and then less with each of her other pregnancies.

Im just worried ive gained too much too soon and have my 28 week appointment coming up and this will be the first time they have weighed me since I was 10 weeks.

This question was asked May. 21, 2012 8:51pm
Category: Nutrition, Weight & Fitness

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Answered by danni179 - May. 22, 2012 12:33am
that does sound a little excessive at your stage, but best to check with your midwife who can assess your personal situation as oppose to going by what we think is an "average" weight gain at each stage.

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Answered by faith17 - May. 21, 2012 10:25pm
i know how you feel ive gained 28 pounds so far im 30 weeks Wednesday i try to eat as healthy as possible , and just like you i have been feeling a little more hunger. cant wait to diet after pregnancy

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Answered by emilykate93 - May. 21, 2012 9:13pm
33 pounds sounds like a little much I was a about you're size prepregnancy and I have only gained about 15 pounds at 22 weeks pregnant . But everyones body is different and handles pregnancy differently, so what other people gain and what you gain doesnt really say anything about whether you have gained to much or whether what you have gained is what you're body needs to gain to support pregnancy. You may be retaining water which could add more to you're weight. bring it up with you're doctor at you're next visit and until then try to just watch what you eat. Have a well balanced diet and limit any sugary snacks maybe try to find healthy alternatives if you're craving something sweet. Also might try walking. If you're retaining water sweating a little bit may help get rid of some of it. I have never heard of weight gain being hereditary during pregnancy but that would be something to ask you're doctor about

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Answered by amy_toner - May. 21, 2012 9:26pm
The only reason i said hereditory is because everything else about my pregnancy is the exact same as my mum.

I do excercise quite regularly and always have as ive not really had any problems with being tired either.

i will speak to my midwife when i next see her and let her suggest something other than eat healthy and excercise which i already do lol!

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Answered by JessicaWall11 - May. 22, 2012 12:48am
With my daughter (who will be 1 next week) I gained 46 lbs total. With this one I am 22 weeks and have only gained 12 lbs. Just keep exercising and eating healthy, drink water.

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