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Category: Newly Pregnant

Asked by renea1981

Q: 4~5 weeks pregnant and hcgs are low

I am 4~5 weeks pregnant and my hcg was 80 last Wednesday. Today (5 days later) it is only 187.45! I am also having brown spotting but no cramping. I miscarried in November and I'm afraid that is happening again. My ob says not all HCGs double all the time and end up fine. I am an emotional mess and need some advice. Anyone ever have this before?

This question was asked Jun. 11, 2012 7:40pm
Category: Newly Pregnant

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Answered by dmartin65 - Jun. 11, 2012 8:48pm
I had a m/c in March at 13 weeks so I am so very sorry for your loss. That being said, do not worry too much. At around 4 weeks and some days my hcg was 35. The following week it went to 270, and then the following week mine were 2,208. Your OB is obviously correct and some women' are just slow to double. You will know more at your first sono. I had mine last week and all is well. I am now 6 weeks 6 days and I got to see my little beans heartbeat last week. Just try to relax and trust in God. That is what I did and it is making this pregnancy so much less stressful.

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Answered by gppacen - Jun. 11, 2012 8:02pm
I've miscarried previously very early but at that point hadn't had my hcg levels checked. I hope things are ok - your ob at least is giving you some information and talking to you about it. Fingers crossed this is a sticky baby for you!!! Hang in there!

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Answered by renea1981 - Jun. 11, 2012 10:56pm
Thanks girls----I am trying to stay stress free but it is so hard. Im so emotional right now anyway. Have not had any more spotting so far since this am. Prayig all is well.

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