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Category: Newly Pregnant

Asked by usmcwife317

Q: How many weeks am i?

So I know when I ovulated which was May 16th and according to my personal calendar I'm 40weeks on Feb 6th but id be 4 weeks tmrw. but if I do it online it still says Feb 6th but that I'm 6wks tmrw.. so which is it? I go for my ultrasound in 2 weeks I just wanna know if its gonna show that I'm 6 weeks at that time or 8 weeks.

This question was asked Jun. 13, 2012 12:31am
Category: Newly Pregnant

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Answered by usmcwife317 - Jun. 13, 2012 12:54am
Yeah but mine is not on time sometimes I don't ovulate & sometimes I don't have a period so if i go based on that id be like 8 weeks but i know I'm not cuz I know when I ovulate.

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Answered by usmcwife317 - Jun. 13, 2012 12:55am
Lmp was April 21 ovulated may 16th

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Answered by usmcwife317 - Jun. 13, 2012 3:01am
Yeah I know the ultrasound will tell me for sure I'm just being impatient lol & I put my hcg level in on the chart on here it was 193 last Friday, and that saying it was 5wks3days.. but i was just wondering. I thought it was strange how i got like 2 different weeks of how far along i am.

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Answered by expectingmommy1 - Jun. 13, 2012 12:59am
if you ovulated may 16th your around 4 weeks. im just going by what the doctor office has me do to put in there file to schedule an appt. my last period was may 2 which puts me at 6weeks. theres no way to be sure untill you get that first u/s.

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Answered by expectingmommy1 - Jun. 13, 2012 12:38am
you ovulated the same day as I. were 6 weeks today!

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Answered by Dientje - Jun. 13, 2012 7:34am
You're around 6 weeks now.
If you want everything to "fit", just substract 14 days from your ovulation day. All the internet calculators and even the doctors office go by the "rule" that ovulation is around CD14 and menstruation around CD28.

It really doesn't matter when your LMP was, they just use it as an estimate for the ovulation date since most women don't really know when they ovulated. And it's the ovulation that matters, that's when the counting begins. At your ovulation date, you're 2 weeks pregnant. So 4 weeks at may 30th and exacly 6 weeks on june 13th.

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Answered by expectingmommy1 - Jun. 13, 2012 12:35am
it goes by your first day of the last menstrual cycle. my last one was may 2 and my due date is 2/6/13 which means im 6 weeks today. :)

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Answered by estone - Jun. 13, 2012 1:13am
IT sounds like you are about 5 weeks pregnant now. At your u/s they will be able to give you a more reliable due date.

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Answered by a member - Jun. 13, 2012 2:23am
My doctor changed my EDD after my first u/s (which I expected since I ovulated late and had long cycles). They'll initally base it on your LMP but will change it if you aren't as far along. Congrats!

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Answered by usmcwife317 - Jun. 13, 2012 10:50am
thanks so much, that was very helpful and makes sense lol

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