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Category: Nutrition, Weight & Fitness

Asked by kcrittenden

Q: Weight gain... Should I be worried?

Hi ladies! I am definately not complaining lol.... I am 17+weeks now and my first prenatal weigh in I was 149lbs. I am a very tall girl, about 5'8 so my bmi is only 22, which they say is 'average'. By now I should be around 156 or so my dr says but I am a pound lighter then my first check up (148 now) which means I havent gained anything!? With my son I blew up like a truck lol so I have no idea whats going on. Baby is growing fine and my dr doesnt seem concerned. Maybe I am just paranoid? Could it be because this baby is a girl? Do you gain less with girls? Silly questions sorry... I am just a concerned Mamma! Thanks

This question was asked Jul. 19, 2012 1:47pm
Category: Nutrition, Weight & Fitness

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Answered by kcrittenden - Jul. 21, 2012 1:47pm
Thanks ladies! I am not complaining about not gaining lol I think I am just more so concerned that its not enough for my baby girl. But she is healthy so I am happy. Thanks a ton ladies :)

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Answered by Coomy08 - Jul. 20, 2012 4:26am
I'm 30 + weeks and I have only gained 4 lbs, 2 of those lbs I gained in the last 5 weeks. My doctors not concerned and baby is fine. With my son I gained 32 lbs and this one is another boy and I've only gained the 4 lbs. If your doctors not concerned and baby's fine I wouldn't worry. Every pregnancy is different, I know from my son compared to this one is completely different.

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Answered by kaylia2oo5 - Jul. 19, 2012 3:51pm
I'm overweight to begin with, so the Dr's aren't going to complain if I don't gain anything. From the time I found out about this pregnancy, I've lost 7lbs. Last prenatal, I had went up 1/2 lb, but that was it!

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Answered by Kfinzue - Jul. 19, 2012 3:28pm
At the beginning of my pregnancy I weighed 185 pounds, with a bmi of 27. Now, I'm 21 weeks and weigh 173 pounds (I went in a week ago and weighed 173 at least lol.) Doctor says it's completely fine, and I'm right on track (I actually lost about 15 pounds but gained 3 pounds between 16 and 20 weeks.) I'm sure healthy eating and exercise has a lot to do with it. And i have heard girls do weigh less so that is a possibility! Honestly though if the doctor isn't worried, neither should you be. Good luck!

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Answered by MrsParker - Jul. 19, 2012 2:12pm
im 21 weeks and I havent gain weight either, I have lost 6 lbs, im on the bigger side but i was 213 and now im 207! with my first I lost 36 lbs! for some weman the hcg hormone acts has a diet pill! but as long as baby is fine then it okay! we are a few lucky ones!

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