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Category: Symptoms & Discomforts

Asked by lahcjh

Q: Is my baby suffering from hardcore morning sickness? :/

I've been throwing up for almost 4 days straight. Im 6 and a half weeks. I've had practically nothing to eat or drink. I'm throwing up everything within 15 minutes of drinking or eating. I've tried ginger ale, 7 up, ginger tea, saltenes, fruit, soup. nothing is working. My body is weak and I can't do anything. Will my baby be okay?? What should I do? Any advice to ease the illness?

This question was asked Jun. 9, 2011 2:16am
Category: Symptoms & Discomforts

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Answered by nalaniz413 - Sep. 29, 2011 7:46pm
Prenatal and water! That will help the baby continue to get the nutrients you can't keep in. As for your comfort ask your doc to see if you can get something to help!

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Answered by rachel1669 - Jun. 17, 2011 9:00pm
the baby is going to take the nutrients from you on how much it needs so although during the first trimester or so it won't affect the baby, it may affect you in terms of your weight. with you hardly being able to eat and the baby taking (very little) nutrients from your body, it could affect you. very normal though. the baby is the size of a poppy seed, it can't need that much at a time!

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Answered by Neekie - Jun. 9, 2011 6:10am
You can go to the doctor and he will prescribe something that is safe to use and it will help dramatically. I had to and it was worth it.

They generally say that the baby will be fine but best to go to the doc cos you don't want to get dehydrated!

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