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Category: Nutrition, Weight & Fitness

Asked by a member

Q: Normal blood pressure?

Hi all. I have suddenly packed on 3 pounds, all of this within 2 or 3 days. I hit the 21 week mark today and am really worried, so I took my BP. It was 127/81 with a pulse of 70. I've had no swelling that's noticeable to me, no heartburn, nausea, none of that. Really confused :/
Is that BP normal?

This question was asked Aug. 9, 2012 10:44pm
Category: Nutrition, Weight & Fitness

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Answered by Marisa0125 - Aug. 10, 2012 12:23am
I just got put on half days at work by my doctor today because my blood pressure is 130/80 and wont go down. If it doesnt go down by next week I'm on full bed rest. I haven't had many signs, I've gained a pound a week like I'm suppose to, not much swelling other than normal feet swelling and hands from the heat but I do have very bad heartburn and have a prescription to help it. So i guess to me your bp is high and I'm only going by what mine is and how my doctor has reacted to it.

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Answered by looney - Aug. 10, 2012 12:15am
Exactly like klara said! My blood pressure is always extremely low, usually around 85/55. So if mine came back 127/81, I would be very worried, but only because that isn't normal for me.

A sudden increase of 3 pounds isn't unheard of either, it may be the time of day you weighed yourself, the amount of water or food you had eaten, and whether or not you had used the restroom recently that resulted in your sudden weight gain of 3 pounds.

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Answered by klara2222 - Aug. 9, 2012 11:05pm
It's a wee bit high but in the normal range. However, I would ask: What is normal for you??? My blood pressure is naturally low (normally 100/60) so for me those numbers would be high. I would suggest you take it easy for a day or two to see if you're retaining fluid, and also start tracking your blood pressure. It's easy to do as there are free machines in most drugstores. If you check it a few times a week, you'll start to get a better idea of what's normal for you :)

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