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Category: Newly Pregnant

Asked by onemor83

Q: Is 21 weeks pregnant considered your 6 month?

I have 3 different baby books, 2 were given to me by doctors & 1 I bought. They all say something different about how many weeks you are when you hit a certain month. 2 books say that you start your 6th month at 23 weeks & 1 says that you start at 21 weeks, which is correct?

This question was asked Oct. 10, 2011 12:46pm
Category: Newly Pregnant

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Answered by blondemama2acutie - Oct. 12, 2011 6:13pm
Here is an easy calculation you can use for reference; 40/21 = 1.90 then you take 9.5/1.90 = 5. So you would be 5 months at 21 weeks pregnant. You just divide 40 weeks by the number of weeks you currently are which would be 21. Then you take 9.5 because there are 9 1/2 months in pregnancy and divide that by the answer you received from the first calculation. And voila! I use this all the time :)

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Answered by octivia - Oct. 11, 2011 1:31pm
oops, my bad math! 23/4 is 5.75 so you are 5 months and 3 weeks pregnant, Im sorry

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Answered by onemor83 - Oct. 11, 2011 11:01am
See,everyone has a different opinion...it's confusing lol

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Answered by bugbugsmom - Oct. 11, 2011 4:47am
wouldnt she be 5 months and 3 weeks pregnant instead of 1 because in another week she will be 6 months

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Answered by allioak - Oct. 10, 2011 9:17pm
I'm glad you posted this because I have no idea! I'm counting the months, from the date that of my last period because otherwise the weeks never match up book to book! Even the trimesters are confusing. Some make it seem like 13 weeks is beginning of 2nd and others 14 weeks is beginning of 2nd trimester.

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Answered by octivia - Oct. 10, 2011 2:44pm
I agree with sammo704, you are 5 months and 1 week pregnant ...but that's in Canada! Here we count pregnancy months by 4 weeks so we are actually pregnant for 10 "months". lol, fun and confusing isnt it!

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Answered by Samm0704 - Oct. 10, 2011 2:41pm
You are 5 months and 1 week pregnant.. When you are 24 weeks you will be 6 months

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