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Category: Is It Safe?

Asked by KMay23

Q: Anti Depressants & Pregnancy

I Have depressoin. I have been on Zoloft since I was 18 and I am 30 now. When I was pregnant with my daughter, my Dr said Zoloft was fine but I didn't want to be on any meds to be on safe side so I stopped taking it which turned out to be a very bad idea. I had to get back on it and everything came out fine. That was 2 years ago. Now I am 5 weeks pregnant and have seen some commercials that it is not safe to take Zoloft while pregnant...I have an appiontment with my OB next week but I was just wondering if anyone had any insight on this? I can't stop it cold turkey, so would have to ween off anyhow.

This question was asked Oct. 16, 2011 3:56am
Category: Is It Safe?

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Answered by MontyMoe - Oct. 16, 2011 9:41pm
I was on 50mg zoloft before I got pregnant. When I found out I was pregnant, my doctor and I started working together to wean me off it. I would take my 50mg pills every other day, and after a month, I started taking 25mg every other day. When I entered my third trimester, I have been taking 25mg about 2-3 times a week. I would quit altogether until I give birth, but when I stop taking it for more than 3 days, I get so dizzy, so my doc and I decided this was best. Out of all the meds for depressiona and anxiety, My doctor told me zoloft is the best to use while pregnant.

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Answered by a guest - Dec. 5, 2011 8:42am
Hi there,
I have just found this topic today. I too have depression and am 15 + weeks pregnant. I am on citalopram, and my Dr was pretty happy for me to stay on it. She advised me to know the side effects/risks, and then decide which was more important. I have a very busy toddler, and pregnancy really takes its toll on my body, weight loss (and I am small to start with), vomiting, extreme tiredness...... for us the most important thing was to take care of myself so that I could take care of my body (and baby) and toddler, so we chose to stay on them (we meaning my husband and I made a joint decision). Generally the risks are so low, that unless you are on medication unneccessarily, then often it is recommended that it is better to stay on them. It can be such a hard decision to make, and hopefully it will all work out for you, and remember, if you choose to stay on them don't feel guilty, it is about making the best choice for you based on your own feelings and health :)

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Answered by jackierae88 - Oct. 19, 2011 4:59pm
I've been on 25 mg for about 2 years now (thanks to not being able to take bc anymore - clotting problem - and being incredibly hormonal w/o them!). My dr. said that it was actually fine to stay on them. The commercials on tv are about a study that was done about antidepressants in general - lumped together. She said some of them are horribly harmful, but that Zoloft (as well as others) isn't really considered a threat by most docs. The incidence of any defects from it is lower than that w/most any drug. I chose to go off of it (weaning off) but I'm so emotional I'm wondering if after the 1st trimester I'll go back!! Anyway, I trust my doc so I feel like if she had any concerns she would've been honest about it. Oh, she also said if I needed them, keep on it, b/c they consider a happy, less-stressed mom the better of the options!! Good luck!

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Answered by KMay23 - Oct. 16, 2011 3:58am
Also does anyone know what I can take for depression while pregnant if I can't take Zoloft? I have to be on something or I will go Koo Koo! lol...not good mixed with hormones :)

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Answered by Shannybum - Oct. 16, 2011 4:17am
I was on Celexa prior to getting pregnant and my doctor assured me it was safe during pregnancy. I chose to go off it for other reasons (than me trying to conceive - mostly cause it made me pack on about 20 pounds!!!) but he did ay it was safe.

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Answered by krittarae - Oct. 19, 2011 8:44pm
If you feel you will not be at a place where you or your partner will not be able to enjoy the pregnancy, I say stay on them. Doctors will tell you there is lower risk with one drug over another, but my doc says in most cases, there just isn't enough research to say there is no risk at all. If you can stand to be off them, the better...do what is right for you!

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