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Category: Baby Gear

Asked by momtobe1992

Q: when did you start shopping for your little one? What size baby clothes did you shop for?

I'm 21 weeks pregnant. I still haven't started to shop for the baby yet. I have my step-sons crib and changing table, other than that, nothing else. I'm planning on starting in my 26th week. I'm just afraid the baby might come early and I would have to rush with everything. Also, when shopping for baby clothes, what size did you ladies shopped for since newborns grow out of their clothes pretty quickly. My baby will be born in the winter, and it will be tough for me to get out in the snow, so I wanted to be prepared :)

This question was asked Sep. 3, 2012 4:42pm
Category: Baby Gear

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Answered by samsweitz9 - Sep. 4, 2012 5:47am
3-6 months i think should be purchased the most. A lot of 3 month clothes fit only up to 8lbs so make sure to check. Don't stress to much you are sure to get plenty at your baby shower. Craigslist is great and so is ebay!

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Answered by momtobe1992 - Sep. 4, 2012 2:37am
Thanks ladies, this helped me out a lot. I guess it depends on the baby's weight to know how long you'll be using their clothes for, but I will surely be buying newborn-6 months clothes. Thanks again :)

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Answered by tibby8 - Sep. 3, 2012 5:13pm
this is my first so what i found useful since im clueless as to what will work best, is i bought those 4 packs or whatever that have a size for each stage. so theres 0-3 months, 3-6 months, 6-9 months, and so on. theyre very cute too. Larger babies run on my side it seems. my mom said that she had to put my sister and i in 3 month old clothing when we were born! so that would be my best uneducated advice. lol

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Answered by lannieprego - Sep. 3, 2012 8:35pm
I started shopping but only for night gowns and footies 0-3m thats just hospital and lounging wear...my baby will be a winter baby so def been checking out snow suits and sweaters...but you can start by getting some basics...t-shirts, onesies, footies, and blankets, some socks...i wouldnt go crazy with newborn diapers they grow out of those very quick. I don't know if you like to bring baby home in a special outfit like myself lol...i also bring all my own things for baby to wear in hospital a few cap and gowns and blankets...hope i helped...but just go out and look around trust me something will catch your eye and its just fun to get your first items for your little one...GL :)

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Answered by Layne-Shane - Sep. 9, 2012 12:36pm
what i did after my gender scan was look on craigslist for a "lot" of used girls clothes for around 20$ i bought off several diff ppl and spent less than 100$ and have great clothes from newborn to 12-18 months and i got a lot, like 4 big garbage bags full and like 6 diaper boxes full of clothes,now one lady i was upset with and had some dingy looking stuff,but thats my fault for not looking b4 buying and hope to get it out with some oxi clean :)

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Answered by JessicaWall11 - Sep. 3, 2012 5:05pm
My first was a summer baby she was 9 lbs 3 oz 20 1/2in when born. She was in new borns up to 3 months. I bought some light weight footies she only wore those a few times. This one is due in 3 wks so Im using what ever I had from my first daughter, and bought some more footies. I started buying early with this one due to complications. I was told that I would be lucky to make it 26 wks. But still holding in strong, and she decided she wanted to stay in just alittle longer.

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Answered by amy_toner - Sep. 4, 2012 9:53am
I was given a lot of clothes from friends that had just recently given birth. Most of the clothes given to me were 0-3 months and a few newborn things. I bought a few things myself in the 0-3 month range but just because I thought they were too cute to resist!

I then asked anyone who was buying clothes to buy in sizes 3-6 months or bigger.

When I was 36 weeks I bought her hospital outfits, I bought an outfit in newborn size and 0-3 size. Turns out she was too small for anything I had bought.

I had my mum bring to the hospital newborn sized clothes because they had been tumble dried they had shrunk and fit her ok. On the way home from the hospital I stopped at Mothercare and bought some vests in tiny baby size which are still too big for her at 2 weeks of age.

I suggest buying mainly 0-3 and 3-6 months and one outfit in newborn size to take to the hospital with you and then take it from there. I started buying things at about 30 weeks.

Good luck!

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Answered by klara2222 - Sep. 3, 2012 8:06pm
I went on Craigslist and bought a huge lot of gently used baby clothes for $35. Most of it is for 3mos, but there are a few bigger and a few smaller pieces, so we're hoping we've got our bases covered. If it's a really big baby, I'll be checking the classifieds again to find another good deal. (:

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Answered by expectingmommy1 - Sep. 4, 2012 3:14pm
i started shopping for my first at 6 weeks but as of clothes i NEVER buy newborn because i know at baby showers they do so. also on my registry i only but 3months and up, i knew i was having a big baby and sure enough she was 9lb 12 oz, so for this one i will do the same!

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