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Category: Newly Pregnant

Asked by Flowers6708

Q: Does anyone know of any insurance or programs that cover pregnancy?

I live in Kansas and applied for Medicaid but was denied because we make $5 too much a month! My insurance only covers $50 off of 5 doctor's visits. My dr requires me to put down $1000 before he'll even see me. Then I have to pay $400 a month until the baby is born, and that doesn't even include labor and delivery. Does anyone know of any other programs out there or insurance that will cover pregnant women?

This question was asked Sep. 7, 2012 7:39pm
Category: Newly Pregnant

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Answered by Layne-Shane - Sep. 8, 2012 2:25am
here my love is the best i can do tonight before bed :) msg me if u want me to look more :)
i looked at it for my state also and it has listed the places i went with my son :) so im sure itll be useful to u also :) and in the end if not anything else i know they will provide referrals that help u get insurance etc.

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Answered by Layne-Shane - Sep. 8, 2012 2:21am
around here they have clinics called mission of mercy,imma do research in ur area n get back to u :)

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Answered by Flowers6708 - Sep. 7, 2012 10:29pm
I looked and the closest Planned Parenthood Clinic is 165 miles away. That's a long drive every month, especially with the price of gas.

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Answered by madijoh - Sep. 7, 2012 9:57pm
Go to planned parenthood and look for low income clinics. That's about where I'm at. I live in Oregon and they denied me OHP because they think that me and my bf make 3400$ a month... I really wish we did.

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Answered by Flowers6708 - Sep. 7, 2012 9:53pm
Isn't planned parenthood just for pregnancy testing, STD/ HIV testing, vaccinations and abortions? I don't think they do prenatal care and delivery.

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Answered by Flowers6708 - Sep. 7, 2012 9:48pm
Kansas also doesn't count your children as members of the family. They only count the mother, father (if he lives with the mother) and the unborn child. I told them this makes no sense to me. They said they have to make it fair for everyone, because there were women with 8 children applying who made the same as women with no children applying and the women with 8 kids got approved and the ones without kids didn't. I told her apparently the state of Kansas doesn't understand that it still cost money to raise your other children. It's ridicutlous.
I am self employed so they are going off of what I made last year, so I can't really take a pay cut. An I guess my husband could take a pay cut, but with a morgage, utilities, groceries, car and home insurance we really can't afford to.

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Answered by a member - Sep. 7, 2012 9:05pm
i dont know if this will be any help but I dont know much about Kansas programs but in California we have Planned Parenthood. IF you guys have that it would be substancially cheaper to get regular check ups for you and baby there. Im sorry they are being so uptight and unfair. $5? really??

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Answered by a member - Sep. 7, 2012 9:05pm
i dont know if this will be any help but I dont know much about Kansas programs but in California we have Planned Parenthood. IF you guys have that it would be substancially cheaper to get regular check ups for you and baby there. Im sorry they are being so uptight and unfair. $5? really??

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Answered by a member - Sep. 7, 2012 8:45pm
This may sound stupid, but is there any way to decrease your income by $10 or $20 a month so that you can qualify for medicaid?? Maybe explain the situation to your or DH's boss and get them to trim one hour off one of your work week each week. If either of you has an employer that is any bit understanding, I am sure that they could accommodate you, especially if you explain that your medical bills will eat up all of your budget for baby and your savings. Yes, it's a little bit less money and awkward and weird to have to ask, but it will be HUGE savings in the end!!

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Answered by wilskels08 - Sep. 7, 2012 8:09pm
thats crazy i have ks state insurance and when i went threw the proces i was told reguardles of are income id get just for the fact i was preg. and im coverd up until 6w pos partum

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