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Category: Baby Gear

Asked by -Lee-B

Q: Non-removable infant car seat

Any one use a non-removable infant car seat for their little ones? Are they a pain? I never cared for lugging around those awkward infant seats (other peoples kids) but admit they seem much easier for getting out and about.

There is a seat I really like but it's for 25-65pounds and ages 2 and up. So a non-removable car seat that works backwards then forwards past 25 pounds seems best to start with (otherwise I'd need 3 seats in the first 3 years). I am just worried about having to get the baby in and out of the car (eg. if baby falls asleep while out running errands).

Anyone tried this? How did you find it worked?

This question was asked Sep. 18, 2012 11:42pm
Category: Baby Gear

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Answered by a member - Sep. 19, 2012 1:22pm
i bought one of these seats for my daughter when she was a baby (actually, before she was born) i thought it was a great deal, rather then buying so many carseats. but it was really a pain when she was a newborn. too difficult to carry her into the house, along with diaper bag or groceries, and disturbing her sleep, when shopping its easy to set the infant seat in the cart and we couldnt do that, had to lug around a strolller... we ended up buying an infant carrier seat and were much more satisfied with it.

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Answered by a member - Sep. 19, 2012 9:44am
Get snap and go wheels for the capsule. Its much easier than dragging a sleeping baby in and out of a bigger car seat and having to then take them in and out of the stroller etc. Save yourself the hassle.

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Answered by a member - Sep. 20, 2012 3:32pm
I prefer the removable kind. No smooshing into car to unbuckle baby, grab all gear, wiggle out, wake baby, deal with all the juggling and now a crying infant. I liked the pop the whole thing out baby stays asleep and everyone is happy. Plus most snap onto grocery carts and booster seats at restaurants so you don't have to take the baby out until you really need too. Personally I just found it more convenient.

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Answered by FirstTimeMommy1106 - Sep. 19, 2012 7:21pm
The infant car seat I have is a new release from Graco. I receivec it from my family for my baby shower! You can take it in and out like a traditional car carrier, but it lasts the child until they are two years old! The car seat base slides back to allow more leg room as the child grows. It's super conevenient because you can take it out, or leave it in. It's a little on the expensive side, but well worth it since it can hold a toddler up to 40 pounds! It's called the Graco Click Connect 40. Babies R Us sells it and you can buy the matching stroller as well... Look into it, it sounds like it'd be practical for you!

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Answered by Layne-Shane - Sep. 19, 2012 12:28am
6 months plus and in warmer weather its not as hard to use the "convertible seats"

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Answered by -Lee-B - Sep. 20, 2012 11:42pm
Ohhh I will check out the removable seat that lasts until 40 pounds!! It sounds great. I didn't realize they had ones that lasted past 20pounds (and squished legs)!! From what I hear on here, the non-removable tend to be a bit more hassle so will look into the best removable. I hadn't factored in winter...which here in Canada we have! It would be much easier to move baby, bundled in the seat to the car than taking him/her out.

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