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Category: Is It Safe?

Asked by madijoh

Q: Yogi Lemon Ginger Tea

I was wondering if any one has drank this tea to sooth pregnancy sickness and an upset stomach? It has licorice root in it, which is apparently not that great for a pregnant woman in certain doses.

I wasn't sure if any of you have consulted your doctor about it and have gotten the ok? I just emailed mine asking.

This question was asked Sep. 24, 2012 12:18am
Category: Is It Safe?

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Answered by looney - Sep. 24, 2012 12:52am
idk about the ginger tea- but i was thinking about your kombatcha question a while back, and I wanted to say, it's actually really beneficial to drink fermented, cultured drinks and foods. it will prevent you from getting a +GBS test. if you get a +GBS test, you will have to go on antibiotics before you deliver. yikes! so keep up that kombatcha tea :)

On another note, when I eat fermented veggies, it instantly helps my upset tummy. Instantly! Look into mild Kimchi, or some other kind of fermented food.

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