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Category: Baby Gear

Asked by a member

Q: What WON'T I need for the first 5 months?

I'm due with my first in March, and my husband and I are planning to move from our apartment into a house by July or August at the very latest.

I'm currently making a list of supplies/equipment to buy before the baby arrives, but I don't want to purchase things I won't need right away because then we will have to tote everything with us.

So, here's my question: was there anything you bought/ received as a gift before your baby arrived that you DIDN'T use for the first 4-5 months at least? Or is there anything you would really recommend waiting on?

Any help is appreciated!

This question was asked Oct. 6, 2012 4:10am
Category: Baby Gear

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Answered by danni179 - Oct. 6, 2012 8:06am
My baby is nearly 3 months now and all I have used so far is: pushchair, crib, bouncy chair, changing mat, baby bath, as well as nappies and bottles and milk etc.

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Answered by Brittany0915 - Oct. 6, 2012 1:58pm
a baby swing is great but it also takes up alot of space. i would go with a little vibrating chair or a portable swing (which sits on the floor, saves alot of space) something that might help also is a playpen/bassinet/nap station/change table all in one. I have used this for my last baby and its great! you get everything in one place. i wouldnt worry about a stroller for a while unless you have no other way of transportation besides walking.

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Answered by Mrsfroomie - Oct. 6, 2012 12:13pm
You don't REALLY need a changing table if you are looking to save space.
I also didn't use a crib for a couple of months I had a moses basket for one kid and a bassinet for the other.
In fact, if you have a stroller with a bassinet the baby can sleep there for a while.

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Answered by klara2222 - Oct. 6, 2012 12:04pm
Anything like a highchair, bouncer, exersaucer, etc. that depends on baby sitting up and having head control could wait. Ditto a playpen and a lot of bulky stuff like that for playing. As baby can't crawl or move around much, you can just set them on the floor on a receiving blanket without worrying about them. :)

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Answered by janastep73 - Oct. 12, 2012 9:33pm
My son didn't use his crib until 4 months old and started using an exersaucer and jumper around that time, so I would say those could wait. He also was done with his swing by 4 months. Also, obviously the highchair could wait as well. I have heard that there are "Rock n plays" that are sort of a bassinet, bouncy seat, and swing all in one that people have loved. I haven't used one personally, but they seem to be very portable. They also won't need that many toys the first few months.

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