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Category: Newly Pregnant

Asked by Earlymama6

Q: HCG at 303? will I miscarry??

I had a blood test done yesterday and my HCG level was only at 303 so I have to go back in tomorrow to make it sure it goes up. My period is a little over a week late. I've had two early miscarriages last year but they happened so fast that by the time I got to the dr for a blood test my HCG was really low, like in the teens. Has anyone had low HCG levels, similar to mine, and went on to have a healthy pregnancy? I'm kinda freaking out now.

This question was asked Nov. 7, 2012 2:05pm
Category: Newly Pregnant

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Answered by Earlymama6 - Nov. 15, 2012 3:36am
just following up in case someone in the same situation reads this someday and needs some encouragement...i got my third test results back and the number was 3177! it doubled and then some. I did a fourth blood test today and will get the results back tomorrow, but I'm feeling good about this now. So if you have low levels at first just know that things CAN get better...

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Answered by Earlymama6 - Nov. 9, 2012 3:58pm
Got my 2nd results in, it was 489 two das later. They said since it didn't double I have to get it taken AGAIN and they're not open until Monday so I have to wait all weekend! Ugh my hope is fading now unfortunately

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Answered by vernie - Nov. 7, 2012 5:30pm
My Levels were at 346 at 4 wks 2 days, I went back at 5 wks 2 days and they were over 6900. I think you are fine, it's just so early in the pregnancy and plus there is such a broad range of what is "normal".

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Answered by purplemusik - Nov. 7, 2012 5:03pm
I have cramps ( like period cramps but not unmanageable ) throughout all my pregnancies- you're good :)

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Answered by Earlymama6 - Nov. 7, 2012 4:23pm
oh and I should mention my boobs just started really hurting today, I have light cramps, and I've been really exhausted ever since I became pregnant. Seems like my symptoms are still increasing, which I guess is a good sign? Except I don't know if cramps can also be a sign of a miscarriage...

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Answered by Earlymama6 - Nov. 7, 2012 2:44pm
thanks everyone, yes I am going to do another blood test tomorrow. I will keep you updated on what happens. now to keep my mind off it until then...haha

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Answered by a member - Nov. 7, 2012 2:22pm
303 sounds pretty good to me, maybe you just ovulated later in your cycles, my HCG was just over 400 at 5 weeks and I am now 17 weeks along, holding thumbs that everything goes well tomorrow, keep us updated.

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Answered by purplemusik - Nov. 7, 2012 2:18pm
Then I wouldn't worry. Are you going back in for another after 48 hours? As long as it's doubling- I'd be feeling positive!

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Answered by Earlymama6 - Nov. 7, 2012 2:11pm
that's the thing, they said they're not sure how far along I am. could be less than I thought...

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Answered by purplemusik - Nov. 7, 2012 2:07pm
How far along did they say you were? A week late so about 5 weeks? I don't think that's bad hun. Says 5 weeks LMP: 18 - 7,340 mIU/ml

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