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Category: Postpartum

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Q: Colicky baby and sleep deprivation

Anyone else dealing ith wind and colic? im lucky to get an hours sleep a night and just wandering if anyone has any tips on soothing a colicky baby and how to cope...

This question was asked Nov. 20, 2012 7:03am
Category: Postpartum

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Answered by Sybella - Nov. 21, 2012 9:09am
Google how to sooth a colicy baby-theres a site that gives you tips (cant remember the name) and i know people that swear by it.
Swaddle tightly and elevate the top end of the crib are the two things I remember.

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Answered by nurse_jenn07 - Nov. 20, 2012 2:06pm
My first was colic for 6 months. I used gripe water which helped a little and I tried homeopathic colic drops which helped a little. At 4 months he was put on reflux meds (ranitidine) and that helped a lot! As hard as it is ask for help with little one so you can nap and try not to stress.

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Answered by mommy_to_be - Nov. 20, 2012 12:30pm
My doctor told me to give her straight Apple juice and burp her and it should come up and it did and after that she was better and slept better and so much more..

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Answered by kcrittenden - Nov. 20, 2012 11:34am
My son was colic. He was up all day and all night just crying. It was very difficult, but after a few months when they get on a schedule it was much better. My advice to you if try not to stress (easier said then done) because baby can scense that and may become more upset, and FAMILY, don't feel ashamed to asked for help from family or friends even if someone can stop by and help for an hour or two. Its helps believe me. Sorry I don't have much colic tips, I would just say go with the flow, and gripe water of course. Hope this helps, and just remember your not alone!

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