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Category: Baby Gear

Asked by Kynlees_Mommy

Q: What is the best breast pump?

I didnt breast feed my daughter but I have decided this time I want to breast feed this baby.. I want my husband to be able to feed the baby as well so I will need a breast pump.. I figure electric will be much easier but I have no idea what brand or type I will need! We use Playtex drop in bottles but I doubt that has anything to do with the type of breast pump I will need.. Please help me! Which is the best electric breast pump to use? Any other advice? Thank you!

This question was asked Nov. 24, 2012 9:05pm
Category: Baby Gear

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Answered by Kynlees_Mommy - Nov. 25, 2012 7:22pm
Thank you all so much! My best friend also reccomended the Medela Pump in style! It must be really good then! I will check in to that! Thank you so much! :)

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Answered by nurse_jenn07 - Nov. 25, 2012 2:22am
I used the medela pump in style with my first and plan to reuse it with this one! Love it and would recommend it. As mentioned above the only con idea the price but it is totally worth it!

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Answered by estone - Nov. 25, 2012 12:18am
Go with an electric pump! Medela pump in style is what I have and it works really well...

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Answered by LalaRiley - Nov. 24, 2012 10:55pm
I've done a little research into this, and I'm considering the Medela Freestyle. You can get a double or single pump, and it is small, portable and doesn't need to be plugged in. That brand also has a lot of other options. Only con so far is the price, but I hear some insurances cover it, but sadly mine doesn't. Good luck.

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