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Category: Newly Pregnant

Asked by GemGem

Q: Silly question. Home doppler

So today my OH and I bought a Sonoline B Doppler. Got home and tried it out and picked up strong heart beat down in the abdominal area. only thing is it was 68-70 bpm. We wasn't sure if that was MY HR as mine seemed to be 80 bpm. Ive read that a FHR below 70bpm could mean miscarriage.

I am only 7w 1d could this be my heart rate?

This question was asked Dec. 10, 2012 3:38pm
Category: Newly Pregnant

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Answered by GemGem - Dec. 10, 2012 7:57pm
Thanks girls but I'm really not worried about "not" finding a HB as we just bought the doppler to "just see" if we could hear anything. Turns out it probably WAS my own HB, which was the question i originally asked, never mind. I'm glad we have it device anyways the future. :)

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Answered by -Lee-B - Dec. 10, 2012 7:52pm
I never bought one because I figured I'd freak myself out at not finding the heart beat. I always found that early on the docs found it very, very low when they checked, as others here have mentioned.

The one doc that was trying to find it at about 15 weeks said the strangest thing to happen while searching for a heart beat, was she picked up a radio station on one mom's belly. I nearly died laughing. Could you imagine??

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Answered by maggie22 - Dec. 10, 2012 7:39pm
I would not be using the doppler so early..... Even when i was 12 weeks pregnant and went for my first anti-natal at the hospital the midwife said that they dont use the doppler at 12 weeks as the fetal heart rate can be hard to find and they dont like to freak out the mums if they cant find it yet..
I would say the heart rate you are hearing is your own.... My advise is dont use the doppler!

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Answered by Charlotte17 - Dec. 10, 2012 6:41pm
I had a similar problem when we bought ours so I looked on youtube and found some tutorials (people at home with theirs showing you how it works and how to look) that were really helpful. I had been looking WAY too high originally, and moving the wand around too fast to be able to pick up the heartbeat. Make sure you're starting low (right around your pubic hair line or slightly lower) and move slowly.

At 7 weeks it may still be too early for you to find it at home though. We didn't buy ours until I was 9 weeks (at my doctor's suggestion) and we were able to find a heartbeat when it arrived (around 9w5d). If you can't find a heartbeat higher than what you've found already I wouldn't worry about what that means, I would just think you're still too early to find the baby's. Give it a few weeks and keep trying every couple of days.

Good luck!

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Answered by janastep73 - Dec. 10, 2012 6:09pm
That's the pulse of the iliac artery which splits in your abdomen and carries blood to your legs--that's why you hear it on both sides.

Try putting the doppler right above your pubic bone in a few weeks. I was able to hear mine down there at about 9 weeks. You may have to press down and search around for a while but your baby will still be so low that they'll be somewhere around your pubic bone.

I wouldn't be worried that you can't find the heartbeat yet.

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Answered by kermitpants - Dec. 10, 2012 5:23pm
My advice would be: don't try to find it until week 14 at the very at earliest... otherwise you will get yourself all stressed out the way I did. I heard it once at 12 weeks and then didn't hear it again until week 14 and spent that two weeks in turmoil! I bought an angel sounds by the way - not sure if that makes a difference or not?

Anyhoo - it caused more panic than peace of mind... now that i'm over 20 weeks, I can find it within seconds. Now THAT'S peace of mind! ;-)

Good luck, lady! x

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Answered by Razzle_ - Dec. 10, 2012 4:49pm
Definitely yours. Would be around 150-170 at this point and then drop a little. You will hear it for the first time around week 10. Point the dobbler down toward your pubic bone and move very slowly to pick up the hb. Gl!

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Answered by -Lee-B - Dec. 10, 2012 3:48pm
Pretty sure that's yours. My baby likes to hide from the docs when they use the heart beat thing. They chance her around for a long time trying to find it...they often find my heart beat down there we get excited then they say. "no, that's yours" then keep looking and eventually find the babies.

So, if the docs find mine down there I'm going to assume the home ones find it often too...so keep searching for one over the 120ish mark and you'll know it's baby!

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Answered by a member - Dec. 10, 2012 3:47pm
I'm no expert, but I would guess that's your own heartbeat. At 7 weeks, you would not likely be able to hear the heartbeat with a Doppler, yet. You can usually only see it on an U/S that early. Most Dopplers say they are reliable beginning at 10-12 weeks to hear at home.

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Answered by GemGem - Dec. 10, 2012 3:40pm
The heart beat was detected on the right hand side on my pelvis. then we tried the left hand side and heard a HB there too! same speed... I think it may be my pulse lol..

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