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Category: Baby Gear

Asked by LalaRiley

Q: Approximately age vs weight for baby gear

I'm pregnant with my first, and my youngest sibling is almost 18, so I have no idea about anything baby related. I'm looking at strollers/car seats online and they say things like "Fits children up to 30lbs" or so, but I have no idea how long that means it will last. I know all babies are different, but what is the approx. age of a 30 lb kid? 6 months? 1 year? Any advice is appreciated!

Also, any recommendations on a good stroller/ car seat combo? I'm looking at Baby Trend Expedition ELX on the Babies R Us website. http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=10870672

This question was asked Dec. 11, 2012 6:16pm
Category: Baby Gear

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Answered by LalaRiley - Dec. 12, 2012 4:17am
Thanks everyone! The only reason I want a stroller is for taking the dogs on long walks and maybe when the baby is too big for me to carry comfortably (I'm really small and have a history of back problems I don't want to aggravate) but I figured I should get one that the car seat fits into just in case. I'm planning to use a Ergo baby carrier for as long as possible, because the idea of lugging a big stroller in and out of the car and pushing it through stores just seems like too much work with a tiny baby. I'm glad that 30lbs is approximately 2 years because I want it to last! Thanks again for the advice and links!

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Answered by a member - Dec. 11, 2012 9:42pm
My daughter just turned 2 and she is 30 lbs. And she is in the 90th percentile, so most 2 year olds are even lighter than that! She is in the 90th percentile for height too, and outgrew her infant car seat because of her height before she reached the weight limit. We also had to turn her car seat forward facing (a few months before the recommended 2 years) because her legs were just too cramped! So just keep in mind that there are height factors too.

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Answered by jacksonwest - Dec. 11, 2012 9:02pm
As far as strollers I heard from a new mom to get one with solid wheels (not rubber), one wheel at the front, and one bar instead of 2 handles as it's easier to maneuver. We bought ours at Babys R Us, we got this one http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=12894310&searchURL=false but as baby isn't due until April can't vouch for it. Always check Amazon for product reviews that's what I did.

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Answered by Falliiing - Dec. 11, 2012 8:26pm

Here is a great chart to see the average height and weights.
Most carseats and such are made to last until a child is 2 now-a-days.
The guideline is rear facing until 2, so its best to find one that has the biggest weight AND HEIGHT limit you can find. All carseats are made to the same safety standards, so really you are buying brands/looks/extra conveniences like wash-ability and padding.
This is the carseat we have, goes from birth until probably around 4 years old. We are choosing to not use a bucket carrier carseat because we'd rather hold our baby instead...

Anyways good luck!!

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