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Category: Baby Names

Asked by Kynlees_Mommy

Q: Which baby boy name do you like best?

We are expecting baby #2 in June and already have a beautiful baby girl so we are hoping this will be a healthy baby boy! We have several names picked out but not positive which one we like best.. My husbands middle name is Seth so if this baby is a boy, his middle name will be Seth as well! We like unique uncommon names! Our daughters name is Kynlee Rose (sounds like Ken-lee) so we want it to go well with her name as well! :) Please tell me which name you like best out of these:

-Callum Seth
-Baine Seth (not sure on spelling)
-Ryker Seth
-Beckett Seth
-Liam Seth

This question was asked Dec. 17, 2012 7:08am
Category: Baby Names

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Answered by Ginalea - Dec. 26, 2012 6:34pm
I like Liam Seth the best...

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Answered by Kynlees_Mommy - Dec. 21, 2012 6:34am
Thank you all for your suggestions but so far we are down to either
-Callum Seth
-Baine Seth (we both love the name but it doesnt sound the best together)
-Ryker Seth
I like Callum Seth the best as well! My husband didnt like it at first but it has grown on him and he likes it as well now! :) We will find out if this baby is a boy or girl Saturday 12-22-12!! Fingers crossed for a baby boy!! :)

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Answered by green_eyed_momma - Dec. 21, 2012 12:16am
Unique names you have picked lov them all but I think Callum Seth sounds best !!!!!! Good luck :)

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Answered by nipsnnibbles312 - Dec. 18, 2012 11:43am

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Answered by KaylaBee - Dec. 18, 2012 10:28am
I really like callum. Sounds good and rolls well although the other names are also nice too. When you think about yelling out "Kynlee ...Callum" it works well lol

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Answered by Kynlees_Mommy - Dec. 17, 2012 5:05pm
Thank you! Callum is definitely on the top of our list!! I have had several people tell me to use it but starting with a K as well but I plan on having one more little one after this one, so I dont want to feel obligated to use another K name! Thank you both for your help and for the compliments on my daughters name! :)

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Answered by nurse_jenn07 - Dec. 17, 2012 2:35pm
I also like Callum! If it weren't my friends sons name I would totally use it.

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Answered by FebBabyx - Dec. 17, 2012 9:21am
First of all, I love the name for your daughter! I think that the best name for a boy to go with Kynlee in my oppinion is Callum Seth - maybe its to do with the starting letter sounding the same? You have a great idea for names, they are all really beautiful! My favourite is Callum though. Good luck with choosing! xx

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