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Category: Is It Safe?

Asked by Ginalea

Q: Can I take my klonopin well pregnant?

I've been to scared to take it since I've been pregnant and won't till I talk to the doctor. But have any of you talked to the doctor about it or was able to take it well pregnant?

This question was asked Jan. 1, 2013 6:14am
Category: Is It Safe?

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Answered by looney - Jan. 1, 2013 9:17am
You cannot take it while pregnant. Or breastfeeding. I hope you stopped taking it before you conceived. It's a class D drug, with positive evidence of human fetal risk.

Causes cleft palate, open eyelids, limb defects if used during organogenesis in animals.
Crosses human placenta.
No adequate human data but other benzodiazepines increase the risk of congenital anomalies if used in 1st trimester.
Chronic use in pregnancy causes neonatal withdrawal.
If used in last weeks of pregnancy it causes neonatal central nervous system depression, respiratory problems, poor feeding, hypothermia and neonatal flaccidity.

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