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Category: Is It Safe?

Asked by a member

Q: Help!! Black spot on my knee.

Just came from a long trip 15 hours on the road and im 29 weeks.2days ago has a little bit of pain nothing mayor but pain went away . Today i woke up with my knee black like if i hit myself but dont remenber to hit myself anywhere. Now my question is can this be from the trip or pregnancy?this is my 3 pregnancy and never had anything like this. Should i call doctor on monday ? Thank you for your advice

This question was asked Jan. 5, 2013 8:10pm
Category: Is It Safe?

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Answered by KenpoMommy - Jan. 5, 2013 8:35pm
You need to contact your dr immediately! Sitting for long periods of time when you're that far along can lead to blood clots in your lower extremities. They can break loose and move to other parts of your body, like organs and cause serious problems. This, of course, is a worst case scenario, you may have just bumped it and you don't remember, but you need to get it checked out asap! It may be nothing, but better safe than sorry.

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