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Category: Newly Pregnant

Asked by FirstTimeMommyx0

Q: 4 weeks too early for ultrasound??

Okay so I had some spotting around 4 weeks pregnant and freaked out and went to my doctors, he said its just implantation bleeding and nothing to worry about.. he sent me to go get blood work done and an ultrasound.. so yesterday (4 weeks 3days) I went to get the ultrasound done and the lady said "I dont know why your doctor sent you here, you are way too early for me to even be able to see anything" she said she just wanted to let me know that so I wouldnt worry when she couldnt find anything.. so she first did a regular ultrasound and couldnt see anything and then did the internal ultrasound and still couldnt see anything, she said to tell my doctor to come back in two weeks..

so my question is, is 4 weeks 3 days really too soon to be able to see anything in an ultrasound?

I really worry about every single thing lol I cant help it and really try not too but I saw someone posted an ultrasound pic at 3 weeks so it kinda worried me.. thank you!!

This question was asked Jan. 17, 2013 8:14pm
Category: Newly Pregnant

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Answered by samsweitz9 - Jan. 19, 2013 3:49am
Every woman is different so that is hard to answer. However, most women when they find out they are pregnant do not even see their doctor till 8wks. At that time they usually do a U/S and blood work to confirm pregnancy. 4 weeks is really early to even know your pregnant but it happens. Since we were trying we found out about that early. The best thing you can do is relax and NOT STRESS (trust me i know its hard). The weeks will drag on but you will get there. I hope everything works out for you.

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Answered by kCharleneS - Jan. 19, 2013 3:45am
It is too early. I went at 5 weeks and there wasn't even a gestational sac. We weren't able to see anything until 7 weeks.

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Answered by n-larock - Jan. 18, 2013 12:47pm
At 7 weeks with my first pregnancy it was hard for my ultrasound tech to find something. I wouldn't worry to much. Just let the little peanut grow a lil bit and try, again.

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Answered by LalaRiley - Jan. 18, 2013 1:52am
My doctor scheduled my 1st ultrasound at 9 weeks, saying it was so it would be more worth it. 4 weeks seems REALLY early, I know around 6 weeks most people only see a sac and MAYBE a flickering heart. The longer you wait the more you will see, because its all building slowly. Good luck, and don't stress. Its not good for you OR baby!

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Answered by choiceofsoups - Jan. 17, 2013 10:48pm
I just had one at 8w2d and she warned me that even that may be too early to see anything , so I wouldn't stress.

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Answered by Lindre - Jan. 17, 2013 10:31pm
I had an US done at 5W4D and they couldnâ??t see anything then. What they did was track my HCG levels. They started out very low but every 2 days, they should at least be doubling. That way you will know the pregnancy has taken and you should have nothing to worry about. I was told that because they didnâ??t see anything that I could have either had a miscarriage and not known or it could have been an ectopic pregnancyâ?¦ How wrong were theyâ?¦it was just too early! I am happy to say that I am now 18W and baby and I are doing just fine! Hang in there and Good Luck!

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Answered by zaiobaio - Jan. 17, 2013 9:30pm
Yeh I also had scan at 6 +2 because of spotting and they saw only y/s and g/s....So I had to come back in 2 weeks time and everything was normal....3 or 4 weeks is soooo early so I wouldnt worry too much

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Answered by estone - Jan. 17, 2013 9:18pm
your hcg has to be at least 1500 to even see the gestational sac, so yes, I would say 4 weeks is too early to see anything. I went in at 5 weeks 6 days and only saw the y/s and g/s. You'll see something in a few weeks. GL.

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Answered by monroezelda - Jan. 17, 2013 8:51pm
I haven't heard of ultrasounds being carried out that early my first ultrasound was at 7 weeks. My first vaginal one was at 5 weeks 4 days, the earliest I have heard anyone see anything on a vaginal was 5 weeks exactly .

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Answered by PinknGreenMama - Jan. 17, 2013 8:21pm
Yes. I got my first u/s at 6 weeks (and maybe 3 days). She could see the sac but not the baby until she did the transvaginal. At 4 weeks, that means the embryo is only 2 weeks old. The baby is virtually microscopic at that point! Don't worry. You'll see something in a couple of weeks.

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