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Category: Newly Pregnant

Asked by a member

Q: Gestational sac too small to measure????

Hi everyone. I went into the ER yesterday for some unrelated issues and they happend to do a US on me upon finding out I was pregnant (i didnt protest) and when she did the US she said that I must be very newly pregnant that the gestational sac is too small to even measure?? I should be around 5 weeks and 5 days as I tested positive on the 12th and LMP was the 12th of October. I am now worried and confused. Why did she tell me this? Is something wrong? What should you be able to see at 5 weeks on a ultra sound?? Scared and confused please answer!!

This question was asked Nov. 21, 2011 8:04pm
Category: Newly Pregnant

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Answered by chorizanopales - Nov. 21, 2011 11:26pm
it's fine. just means you're really early on and baby hasn't formed enough to give you a good size with US yet ^.^. Give it a few weeks and they'll be able to see your baby more clearly, give measurements, and be able to point out features:)

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Answered by allioak - Nov. 21, 2011 10:04pm
Maybe you ovulated later than a normal cycle, and are actually earlier in the pregnancy than you think. (I ovulate about 3-4 days later).

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