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Category: Newly Pregnant

Asked by danni179

Q: Dt octors Appointment an anticlimax....

last week i got my BFP, and today i had my first doctors appointment. I was so excited, i had written a list of questions to ask and everything.

I got there and the doctor said there was no point testing as home tests are pretty accurate. I was asked when my LMP was, do i drink or smoke and that was it!! He then said he would contact the antenatal clinic to make me an appointment when i am 9 weeks. (i am currently 5 weeks 4 days)

Ok so I know my baby isn't his, but he could have been a little more enthused??? ...or helpful!!! anyone else found there first appointment a little pointless and disappointing???

This question was asked Nov. 21, 2011 8:23pm
Category: Newly Pregnant

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Answered by KristyJ29 - Nov. 27, 2011 6:32pm
Hey Danni,
I totally feel your pain. I was super excited to go to the hospital and take "their" test to get it on record (my husband is in the military and we're overseas, we don't get to call ANY shots) I get in there, take their test and it took them SIX hours to call me and tell me whether I was pregnant or not and if we should proceed. They had me come in the next day to do blood work and give me the "baby book" they issue to all pregnant women and then sent me packing. At this point I was 5w 1d along and they told me they would see me back at TEN WEEKS. The whole experience was disheartening and a huge let down. It was like I didn't matter because I was so early in the pregnancy. My advice to you is if you have the option to switch and get a dr. who is just as excited as you are then do it. I would if we were back stateside. Good luck!

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Answered by chorizanopales - Nov. 21, 2011 11:21pm
I had the same thing happen with my first doc appt. The doc was short and quick as if it were a bother to even see me.If your doc isn't someone you feel was warm with you straight off the bat i'd switch. That's what I ended up doing. I switched at 22 weeks. My first doc refused to do another ultrasound until i was was 30 weeks and she only did one one at 7 weeks when i found out! She wouldn't do the 20 week-24 week survey!
Switch and save yourself the hassle later on!

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Answered by allioak - Nov. 21, 2011 10:02pm
I left my old OBGYN because her appointments were so quick half the time I didn't even know they were over. I didn't want her managing my pregnancy. I looked up reviews for doctors known for good bedside manner. My new doctor is busy and does try to make the appts quick, but he always asks if I have any questions no matter what. And he always gets on the phone if I call the office during the day or will call back quickly if its night or weekend. You could feel free to call the office and ask them questions over the phone. If you are still not satisfied I would suggest looking for a new OB. You are so early that you have plenty of time to switch!

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Answered by JLMarks - Nov. 21, 2011 9:14pm
Hi Danni,
They typically don't do appts that early. I only had one that early because they wanted to see how far along I was and because I was on clomid how many I had in there. My aapointment was at 6w 4d. I do agree with the excitement level though. What the heck. My doctor is always fun to be around and jokes around. I know not every doctor is like that but you might want to start looking for the right one.

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