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Category: Newly Pregnant

Asked by a guest

Q: When did you announce your news?

When did you announce to everyone that you were pregnant and why did you wait til then?

This question was asked Nov. 22, 2011 5:00am
Category: Newly Pregnant

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Answered by a guest - Nov. 25, 2011 7:42pm
We told close frirnds and family early on and everyone else after first scan as wanted to be sure baby was okay

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Answered by chorizanopales - Nov. 23, 2011 4:57pm
My husband and i waited to tell our families for about a week after finding out. Although originally we had agreed to wait longer because I was only about 7 weeks somebody couldn't help telling his mom, sisters, cousins, friends, and friends of friends..... heh. sigh. so then we told my folks! he even told my mom and sister!!!

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Answered by Xdancer - Nov. 22, 2011 4:49pm
It's different for everyone - I told my parents at 9wks, my bf's family and the rest of my family at 12wks and friends etc weren't told until at least 16wks. You just need to do what feels right for you. I initially didn't want to tell anyone - I wanted to keep it all to ourselves for 9 months!

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Answered by flowdabeht - Nov. 22, 2011 3:51pm
I was going to wait untill 12 weeks but I told mum when I took the test (4wks) and she posted it on facebook -_-

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Answered by MontyMoe - Nov. 22, 2011 2:05pm
This is a personal preference and it is different for everyone. We told our parents and close friends basically right away. I know alot of people wait, but I figured those were the people I would tell if something terrible happened, so It was nice to know they would be there for support.
I pretty much waited to tell everyone else, many other friends and family figured it out when I wasnt drinking at family events. I also popped out kinda early, so it was pretty noticable.
To each their own, you need to do what is comfortable for you!

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