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Category: Newly Pregnant

Asked by Love00

Q: Little bit of light BROWN SPOTTING for the 1st time at 8 weeks?? Please PLEASE HELP!

I went to pee and I saw brown spotting when I wiped. Have never had through the pregnancy. I went to pee again 20 minutes after and there was nothing. Has this ever happened to any of you but then things turned out fine? I know that it can be nothing but can also mean that a m/c is on its way. Please help with any info. I will definitely go to the er when dh gets home. This is our first pregnancy and we would be heartbroken if something were to go wrong.

Thank you for your help ladies!

This question was asked Nov. 24, 2011 4:31am
Category: Newly Pregnant

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Answered by mandib17 - Nov. 25, 2011 10:45pm
I had the brown stuff with this pregnancy too. It started about week seven or so and lasted about a week or a little more. I was scared to death to b/c we sufferend a mc last Nov. so I thought it was happening again, but everything was fine and I am now a healthy 28 weeks. If you don't have any cramping associated with the spotting, that is a great sign that everthiing will be ok.

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Answered by allioak - Nov. 24, 2011 3:19pm
I had brown bleeding at 7.5 weeks and it was a subchorionic hematoma (no big deal apparently!). I had thought it was m/c. Go to ER just to calm your nerves, but don't expect the worse yet. They usually worry more when it's lots of red blood. I balled my eyes out and everything turned out ok. They did a pelvic exam and ultrasound and our little one was great.

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Answered by tinkerbell26 - Nov. 24, 2011 11:11am
The best thing is to try and not worry i know its hard but im sure everything if fine. If your still worrying go and see your doc just for peace of mind. Take care and get as much rest as you can :)

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