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Category: Newly Pregnant

Asked by Love00

Q: When do I start the tummy lotions?

I will be 9 weeks in 3 days. I feel like my tummy has grown. Is it possible this early. I don't think I am seeing things, it looks wider! For those of you with experience or knowledge on the skin lotions. When should I start in order to effectively help the stretch marks? Which one do I use? Which ones are good and safe?

Thank you so much!

This question was asked Nov. 27, 2011 9:28pm
Category: Newly Pregnant

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Answered by JLMarks - Nov. 28, 2011 2:19pm
I have been using Palmers cocoa butter since I found out. I know that you can't completely prevent them but you can at least try to make them better. Everytime I even feel an itch I get more lotion on my belly.

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Answered by onemor83 - Nov. 28, 2011 1:33am
Im on my 4th pregnancy & tried them all, there is nothing you can buy to prevent them..you either get them or you dont.

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Answered by octivia - Nov. 27, 2011 10:42pm
lol, it''s completely possible! No amount of lotion or oil will prevent them ...its all based on genetics, skin hydration and how fast you gain weight...Having said that I still slather it on "just encase, lol"

I used Aveeno until 20 weeks and now I'm using Bio-oil,

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