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Category: Newly Pregnant

Asked by butterscotch

Q: Any thoughts on Palmers Cocoa Butter Lotion for Stretch Marks??

I got this at the store and I've been using it on my belly to prevent stretch marks during and after the pregnancy. I read a review online that it says that it doesn't get rid of the stretch marks that already exists, but i thought i would be a good product to start with to be able to prevent stretch marks. Any other good lotions that you ladies have used?

I know vitamin E and cocoa butter are supposed to be great for your skin!

This question was asked Nov. 28, 2011 4:00am
Category: Newly Pregnant

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Answered by butterscotch - Dec. 4, 2011 12:07am
Thank you so much ladies! this definitely helps, i needed a bit a guidance, looking up reviews online sometimes helps too. It is nice to know there are ladies here that have had experience and share their wisdom!

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Answered by Neekie - Nov. 29, 2011 6:15pm
There's nothing in the world that will drop you from getting stretch marks, the lotions are good to just stop the itchiness that comes with your belly stretching.

I've had two pregnancies and used palmers in the mornings and bio oil at night and nothing worked. It's all genetics, if your mum got them then you will too.

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Answered by proudmamaerica - Nov. 29, 2011 2:45pm
I have never heard a positive comment about palmers.... I used bio oil with my first and still do off and on. But I sell It Works products and they make a stretch mark creme so I use that now and it's helped a ton! But yes like someone said, it's all genetics...

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Answered by Shannybum - Nov. 28, 2011 8:01pm
I used Palmers cocoa first, then bio-oil, then pure coconut oil at the end.
I got stretch marks on my hips. I can't help but wonder though....I only was rubbing the cream on my belly until I started getting marks on my hips then I started to put it there too...but I never did get stretch marks on my belly, well, a couple on the underneath but nothing major...so I don't know if the cream/oil prevented them there, or not...but my word of advice is to slather up those hips! I was really surprised I got them there and not my tummy - my tummy is the part that really "stretced"!

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Answered by octivia - Nov. 28, 2011 2:27pm
Stretch marks are caused by your genetics, rate of weight gain and skin hydration so no cream actually "prevents" them from happening 100%. But cream does make you less itchy and will hydrate you skin. I use a combo of Aveeno & Bio-oil

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Answered by JLMarks - Nov. 28, 2011 2:17pm
I have been using a stretch mark lotion since I found out. So far so good. LOL. I think the stuff I have is the Palmers cocoa butter as well. Even if I start to feel a little itchy I'm in the bathroom lubing up.

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