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Category: Newly Pregnant

Asked by a member

Q: Does the anxiety ever go away

I am 9 wks pregnant and had bleeding just now. It was a lot and made the whole toilet red (tmi sorry). 10min later it was only brown spotting. I am so scared of loosing this baby. It happened at 6 weeks as well and the dr did a scan and all was fine, so I don't want to just phone the dr again. I wish I could just stress less and get to 12 weeks so that I can relax! Anyone else felt like this?

This question was asked Nov. 30, 2011 12:13pm
Category: Newly Pregnant

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Answered by jessijess21 - Dec. 4, 2011 3:08am
I am having the same anxiety problem because I have PCOS and was on metformin. No one seems to be able to give me a straight answer as to whether or not I should stay on the medicine, and I know the PCOS means a more likely chance of miscarriage, so I'm freaking out! If I had any bleeding, I would call the doctor. I have been calling all over the place to get an answer to my question. If it's for the betterment of your baby, CALL :)

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Answered by a guest - Dec. 2, 2011 10:44pm
I had bleeding from 4 weeks up until 12 weeks was very worrying and was in and out of hospital, then after 12 weeks it seems to have stopped and settled down, midwife explained that sometimes this can be normal, try not to worry, but go see ur doc or to er as they will prob do a scan tl check everythings all okay, good luck

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Answered by Stellar222 - Dec. 1, 2011 2:03am
I'm 11w5d and I had spotting at 9 wks. It freaked me out. I went to the ER and everything was fine. It's tapered off now. Spotting happens: can still be implantation, the placenta can move into it's permanent spot, can be a minor bleed ( hat the dr's said is nothing). Don't worry! Luck and prayers.

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Answered by Amarylis - Nov. 30, 2011 5:43pm
I had brown spotting for the whole first trimester. I'm in week 20 and I am finally calmed down a little. They never found the cause for my spotting and it always stopped once I got to a doctor. As long as baby is fine try to stay calm. But I know the anxiety you are talking about. Once you can feel baby move and poke around and feel the baby it can really help calm you down.
If you want to chat you can always message me.

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Answered by blondemama2acutie - Nov. 30, 2011 2:48pm
Hi there! No the anxiety never goes away I'm still worried about my little bean and my pregnancy has been great, as well as my last but I still worry. I think its a natural thing that mothers do right from the gecko. As far as your bleeding goes I would call your doctor immediately just to be on the safe side. Sometimes you can bleed and everything be okay and sometimes it can indicate a problem, and it sounds like you had a substantial amount. Also it will help put your mind at ease if you talk to your doctor. Good luck!

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