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Category: Newly Pregnant

Asked by waiting4baby

Q: Heard heartbeat for first time...

Today we had our first appt with our fertility doc and all my anxiety was laid to rest because we got to hear the heartbeat and see the baby!!!! We are ecstatic, anyone else get to share this joy recently?

This question was asked Dec. 1, 2011 12:02am
Category: Newly Pregnant

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Answered by ashiebee - Dec. 1, 2011 3:57pm
I am 8 weeks!
I saw my baby and the heart beat last week!
it was so amazing!
DH cried and so did i !

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Answered by Stellar222 - Dec. 1, 2011 1:58am
Yes, I'm 11 wks and we heard the heartbeat and saw our little gummy bear (that's what it looked like) moving and kicking and jiggling around. It was amazing. Congrats. Luck and prayers.

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