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Category: Newly Pregnant

Asked by danni179

Q: To breastfeed or not to breastfeed, that is the question!

I have never wanted to breast feed. I was bottle fed and my sister had bottle fed my nephews, so I always thought its what i would do.... however the hubbie is set on the idea of me breastfeeding. He was breast fed and says its best (and all that jazz), and now i feel confused, if not a little pressured!
Any advice? what are your thoughts as i know everyone has opinions on this subject.

This question was asked Dec. 2, 2011 8:22pm
Category: Newly Pregnant

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Answered by a member - Dec. 22, 2011 2:06pm
Breastfeeding is wayyy better for your child than formula which can lead to a lot of illnesses and increased risk of obesity. Please take the time to speak to a doctor or take the time to do your research on how important it is to breastfeed for as long as possible. Even breastfeeding for one week is wayyy better than not breastfeeding at all!

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Answered by a guest - Dec. 4, 2011 8:02pm
I am totally pro breastfeeding, but that is my choice and I would never judge another mother for making a different choice. I have friends that have breastfed, others that have tried then failed, and others that went straight to bottle feeding.
From my own experience with other mothers, the advice I give to people who are unsure is to-
Give it a go, see how you feel, and make a choice from there. If you make an informed decision then you wont regret the choice later on. Also, you are very lucky to have a husband who supports the idea of breastfeeding, a lot of mothers find that their partners dont like the idea of it so feel they cant give it a chance.
All the best, it will work out, once your baby is here all that will matter is that he/she is fed, happy and healthy, whether it comes from your breast or from a bottle :)

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Answered by proudmamaerica - Dec. 3, 2011 5:45pm
It's always worth giving a try. You might love it... or you might hate it... or it might work for you or might not work for you. Really it's hard to say until the baby gets here what is going to happen. I myself was dead set on breast feeding. When my daughter got here I learned that I had flat nipples and that she was an aggressive eater. She did not want to work for the food (which she had to do because of the flat nipples) and my supply was low because it was hard to get her to eat. We ended up formula feeding her.

You never know until you try. :) you and baby could have no latching issues, and he/she could eat like a champ and it could be easy for you, or not... but at least you can say you've tried, and can get hubs off your back.

Good luck. Either way baby will get what they need, and be happily fed. :)

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Answered by danni179 - Dec. 3, 2011 4:56pm
i guess thats the best of both worlds ! worth considering...thank you !

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Answered by a member - Dec. 3, 2011 4:22pm
Nutrition wise it is the best, but that isn't to say that formula is awful, it is the next best thing.
What about pumping? I'm not too sure I want to "actually" breast feed but I see myself pumping

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Answered by danni179 - Dec. 2, 2011 11:42pm
Thanks ladies. I'm still very early on in my pregnancy so i have a while to consider my options. I would hate to regret not "trying" it, so maybe that's my best option at the moment.

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Answered by a member - Dec. 2, 2011 9:13pm
Hi! This is a very personal choice and has to be something that you want to do! It has its pros and cons. Maybe you and dh should make a list of the pros and cons together and discuss your differing views. Acknowledge his points but defend your own, ultimately its your body that has to endure it.
Personally speaking it can be quite time consuming and sometimes painful. On the other end, its quite a bonding experience and cost effective.

My first child I decided not to, feeling much the way you do. After he was born I regreted not even trying. My second I breastfed for 9 months.

I would recommend at least trying it, if you decide otherwise you can always switch to bottles.
Best of luck!

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Answered by asfarflaf - Dec. 2, 2011 9:04pm
first, do what YOU think is right. breastfeeding is better for baby, but it's your decision. i tried breastfeeding all mine, but they didn't gain any weight. we think my milk wasn't rich enough. so i started supplementing formula. eventually we went to only formula. but baby can really use the antibodies that help protect and "beef up" their immune systems. but with that said, it is YOUR decision, and if you feel like you should bottle feed, then that's ok. it will not harm the baby. hope this helps. good luck!

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